I need some help and so does someone else


New Member
Ok i need some advice i came across this link:


And i am so worried i feel so upset. I prayed for the person. I even wrote something (my name is Crissi on there as well), but i feel SO sad, like it is my fault! Because they have posted anonnomously(sp) i cannot contact them. I feel as if it is my fault, did i do all i can do? Even though i do not know who this person is? Why do i feel this way? Will God condem me? How can i do anything? As of recent i backslid but when i seen that post it really hurt me. But how could someone who backslid pray? I prayed, but how do i know God listened, i tried to repent and i prayed for the person, but did God hear me? Did he have mercy on the person? I'm not too concerned with myself right now, if at all. I am concerned for that person. Why do i feel this way? Will i get over it? Am i in the wrong. I hope this person in ok i really do. Please LHCF ladies help me if you can, please pray for her, anything? Any advice? I know its the internet and i know its a stranger but it just bugs me i don't know why, it just does.


Crissi, x