I need some advice....


Well-Known Member
I need some advice.... (pics)

on what to do with my grass. I get so frustrated that I literally want to shave my head. I've been having tangles and shedding in the last two weeks and it's just driving me nuts. :spinning: I have it cut into layers but here's the thing, it's thicker towards the roots and thinner towards the ends and I keep thinking it looks like pure unadulterated trash but my fam says it's ok. :ohwell: What should I do? Am I just going through a bad case of hair anorexia?

This is where I'm at
I'm about to cut this mess off and call it a day. Pardon my rollers. I was blow drying (first time this year that I've used heat) and using them (the red rollers) to put just a little curl in my hair. The portion on my right is sectioned, plaited, and pinned waiting to be dried.
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Please don't go cutting your hair out of frustration. Honestly you could just be going through one of those phases when the hair is just acting down right shi**y (for lack of a better word) and won't do anything that you want it to do. I've been there before and what helps is just to put it away, keep it up after washing so your not looking at it everyday and getting frustrated by its appearance.

Also there have been several threads in the last week with members complaining about shedding. I'm thinking it could just be that time of the year where the hair is shedding naturally. If this is true, just keep the manipulation low. If you don't think it's seasonal shedding, try doing a light protein treatment followed by a deep conditioning or maybe using garlic products. Maybe that will help. Also the only thing that helps me with detangling is washing in braids, a deep condtioner and a leave in with tons of slip. Also when detangling be sure to detangle from the bottom up. This will eliminate unneccesary amounts of hair in your comb.

Keep your head up and keep the scissors out of your hair!!!!!!!
I dont think your hair looks like trash or or thin or anything, its beautfull

I agree that you shoul wear some kind of protective style to give yourself a break from it---maybe braids, braidouts, or buns

Then, when thats over/when you get ready to deal with it 100% again, you will have a new fresh look on things, will feel more patient toward it, and not fustrated
Thanks yall. My patience are just at an all time low. I'm not losing hair hand over fist or anything, it's not ultra dry, and my ends (although thinner) are not split. I think I might just go and get some cornrows or something and leave it alone for a while....
i dont think your hair looks thin. i wish i had your hair right about now. my hair is thick at the roots and thinner towards the ends as well and it's hard to disguise it sometimes.