I need some advice about my scalp


Active Member
Hey Ladies,

Yesterday I got a relaxer after 15 weeks. My hair-stylist says my scalp was very dry & that I was going to burn (I did).

I suffer from dandruff (especially in the winter months) & I don't want to put anything on my scalp that would create more problems. Is there anyway to keep my scalp moisturized without clogging it up with product?

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I litely oil my scalp just about every other day. I co wash as well. I think your scalp is less likely to be "clogged" as long as you regularly clean it. Of course "regular" is completely to your discretion.
Thanks Tasha. I have some Kercare Ess. Oils & some tea tree oil @ home. I will try those & hope that they work.

Regular for me is every Sunday.
Drink lots of water (dehydration can lead to dry skin, including the scalp), take a Flax seed supplement daily, eat oily fish like salmon at least twice a week, massage your scalp well when washing your hair.
Have you tried aloe vera gel?

No, but I'll look into that as well. Thanks.

Drink lots of water (dehydration can lead to dry skin, including the scalp), take a Flax seed supplement daily, eat oily fish like salmon at least twice a week, massage your scalp well when washing your hair.

I do try to drink plenty of water but I admit I do slack off sometimes. I slack off on the flax oil too. I'm not a big salmon fan but I'll try to add some to my diet. I'll try the scalp massages too.

Thanks ladies! :)