I need Prayer


Well-Known Member
Initially I was not going to post this to everyone, as I was embarrassed. But I need prayer so embarrassment is out of the Window.

I am just nub. I am not sad, I am not depressed. I am just numb that this happening to me. You know the story, "Why me? Woe is me!. I love the Lord, I serve him, I exalt him. I keep quiet "now" when I should. I encourage people. I I I I. Why aren't things going my way. Blah blah blah!"

It is so easy for me to give advice and prayer. Now, I need it. Yeah. Yeah I know. Why not me?

I am just going to keep it real. I am annoyed yawl. I am in my valley and I am annoyed. I mean how long can one season last?

You all, I am in a financial bind. I need a new job. It is difficult for me to make it. I checked my account today and it was - (300) and something dollars. :eek: :eek:

I get paid tomorrow. However being withdrawn is not cool. I don't even know what happened, as I have not checked my account yet.

I listened to worship and praise all day today. I guess that is why I am handling this as I am. It I hadn't I probably would be lying on my bed crying now.

Need guidance as far as my education and career go. Please pray for both for me as well as a financial blessing.

In spite of this I still Bless the Lord.
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I just sent up a prayer for you and will continue doing so.

And BTW - there's nothing to be embarrassed about. You're simply going thru something that we all go thru. Just remember that this too shall pass....
Lord, we Thank-you for the provisions you've already made for our sister, Zeal. We ask you to fortify her during this difficult time of being in a "dry" place. Lord, despite what Zeal sees occuring on every side of her, continue to strengthen her faith in YOU. Let not her heart be troubled, nor her joy be stolen, because this too shall pass.

And as she continues to trust in YOU for all she needs, and praise YOU for the wonderful God that YOU are DESPITE her circumstances, let the windows of heaven open above her, and pour out blessings of every kind all over her, particularly financial, beyond what she could ever have imagined or hoped for.

We thank-you for this woman after Your own heart that You've placed in our midst, and we joyfully wait to hear how YOU have brought her out of this temporary season of drought.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Be blessed, Zeal! :rosebud:

You are not alone I said a prayer for you:) ....and myself again.:lol: God will make a way. Just have the "faith of a mustard seed".
Don't ever be embarrassed for that's what the enemy wanted so that you would not share and receive loving prayer from all of us here who know and love you.

Keep going...for each moment that you move into brings you closer to the end of this trial. You've already seen the Light...:lol: And this Light...our Jesus will never go out on you. His guiding light is Eternal.

Zeal, have you ever noticed what happens to darkness when you turn the light on? Zeal, it hides...check it out. When you turn on the light, darkness hides...

It hides under the desk, the chairs, in a corner, under the bed, in the closet, and get this, darkness even hides in your shoes...right under the area where our toes go. Now, I wonder why that is...? :look:

We all know that answer, don't we? Darkness cannot overcome in the Light. Darkness becomes ineffective...rendered null and void; its purpose utterly destroyed.

Keep praising the Light that lives within you, Zeal. Keep praising the Light for it shines and fills your heart with joy unspeakable and leads you in the way wherein you should walk...

Oh, as for the darkness in the toe of your shoe? he's under your feet...:lol:
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fallback said:

You are not alone I said a prayer for you:) ....and myself again.:lol: God will make a way. Just have the "faith of a mustard seed".

The "Light" still shines for you too...;)
pebbles said:
Lord, we Thank-you for the provisions you've already made for our sister, Zeal. We ask you to fortify her during this difficult time of being in a "dry" place. Lord, despite what Zeal sees occuring on every side of her, continue to strengthen her faith in YOU. Let not her heart be troubled, nor her joy be stolen, because this too shall pass.

And as she continues to trust in YOU for all she needs, and praise YOU for the wonderful God that YOU are DESPITE her circumstances, let the windows of heaven open above her, and pour out blessings of every kind all over her, particularly financial, beyond what she could ever have imagined or hoped for.

We thank-you for this woman after Your own heart that You've placed in our midst, and we joyfully wait to hear how YOU have brought her out of this temporary season of drought.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Be blessed, Zeal! :rosebud:

Amen...:rosebud: And here's some light for you and Poetist too...;)
Zeal you are sooooo not alone- I was exactly the same way yesterday crying and so hurt about the same thing. Asking how long can this season last? Today I'm better. It's so one day at a time. Yesterday I found out my should have 2 months ago raise and incentive still not in - they lied. HR calls today and tell me for the position I applied for they selected another candidate for like the 100th time I've been passed over in over a year. Thank God for other opportunities to keep me leveled. But yes girl This Too Shall Pass. I stand in agreement with your prayes for I also need them too. Luv your sister in Christ.
Zeal, just keep on praising God and giving Him glory for everything in your life. Your breakthrough is coming soon! I am praying for you.

Father, I thank you for Zeal and I praise you for the faith that she has. Thank you for helping her stand and walk in faith. Thank you that all of her needs are met. Continue to sustain her, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Don't give up!
nomoweavesfome said:
Zeal you are sooooo not alone- I was exactly the same way yesterday crying and so hurt about the same thing. Asking how long can this season last? Today I'm better. It's so one day at a time. Yesterday I found out my should have 2 months ago raise and incentive still not in - they lied. HR calls today and tell me for the position I applied for they selected another candidate for like the 100th time I've been passed over in over a year. Thank God for other opportunities to keep me leveled. But yes girl This Too Shall Pass. I stand in agreement with your prayes for I also need them too. Luv your sister in Christ.

Ladies, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Believe me I am trusting God. But I stillhave the question why? In the back of my head? I want to be a good stewart. However I have more bills that I do paycheck. I know the Lord is not cool with this. Is he?

I'll keep holding on. Again... the situaltion has me numb. I don't want to rush the Lord. Nor am I tryong to. But I am like Smokey Norful, " I NEED U NOW!"

I am still going to do my 5 minutes of praise.

Thanks again ladies, and much love.