i need prayer, encouragement, advice, counsel, something!


Well-Known Member
i'm going through a lot right now and i feel overwhelmed and confused. i can't seem to get things together and my health is taking a toll. i'm tired. i just need some rest, some time to get my thoughts together, to clean my house. i just need some help, but i don't really have anyone to help me. maybe i'm asking too much with the help thing. i just don't know. I don't even know how to talk to God about my problems, like i don't know where to begin, or maybe it could be that i want to work everything out on my own and come to Him when i get it together. I just need some understanding.
I am praying for you. I can tell that you are feeling very down. You are entitled to help and God is an ever-present help. I know that we have other sisters here who will be able to give you specific scriptures and hopefully they will see your msg and reply soon. In the interim, when I am down and feeling deserted and desparate I recite scriptures (or read scriptures) outloud over and over again. For example, when I felt abandoned, I would keep saying "Never will I leave you, nor will I forsake you" and I just kept saying it again and again several times a day. There were times when I didn't feel like it, but I kept repeating it because even if I didn't feel it, I knew it was the truth (for God is not a man that He should lie) and I knew eventually it would sink in and I would be encouraged.

I am much further south than you are, but if I were in Chicago or a close suburb, I would drive over to help you myself!

We have lots of sisters on here who have posted encouraging testimonies, verses, and poems, so please read and re-read the postings here to keep yourself encouraged. Remember-it is a battle of the mind. If the devil can convince you that your circumstances will never change or worse yet, that you aren't worthy or righteous enough for your circumstances to change, then he will succeed in stopping you from inheriting all that is rightfully yours. Encourage yourself in the Lord!
i'm going through a lot right now and i feel overwhelmed and confused. i can't seem to get things together and my health is taking a toll. i'm tired. i just need some rest, some time to get my thoughts together, to clean my house. i just need some help, but i don't really have anyone to help me. maybe i'm asking too much with the help thing. i just don't know. I don't even know how to talk to God about my problems, like i don't know where to begin, or maybe it could be that i want to work everything out on my own and come to Him when i get it together. I just need some understanding.

First of all don't even think about waiting until you get it together, because sister....than will never happen, none of us are completely together and won't be until we get to Glory. If we had the ability to be perfect then there would have been no need for Jesus to shed his blood for us. You can go to God just the way you are and he will help put you back on the right track.

I have been told many times when you don't know what to say all you have to do is call upon the name of the Lord. Matthew 11:28 says Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Cast all your cares on him because HE does care for you. What ever you are making your self sick about needs to be given over to God if you could have fixed it you would have. So what ever the problem is justt give it to him, you don't even have to say anything about it right now but until you can come to grips with things just say Lord, I am confused and don't know what to do but I am going to give this over to you right now and any time you feel that stress creep up again confess that over and over again until you feel that burdened lifted. I had to go to the ladies room and do that just this afternoon.

Do you journal, sometimes it helps to write out what is going on with you especially when you can't vocalize it and when you have a bit more peace you can read over it and pray about each issue specifically. Plus it helps to put things in perspective once you go back and read something a little later you see it differently.

I am sorry to write so much but, I have BEEN and sometimes still go where a lot of you are right now. I gotta run but I will check back and PM you when I get home!! Stay encouraged.
thank you ladies. i will start journaling and i will seek out some scriptures tonight when the kids are sleep. thank you. your kind words mean so much!
You can ask for help, and seek it you'll be surprised at the help that will come through when you pray. I was in the same space as you and I prayed about it, now I am much better off and my home is beautiful. Stay prayerful my sister, prayer works! I will pray with you... there is good advice in this tread.
You can ask for help, and seek it you'll be surprised at the help that will come through when you pray. I was in the same space as you and I prayed about it, now I am much better off and my home is beautiful. Stay prayerful my sister, prayer works! I will pray with you... there is good advice in this tread.

it is hard to give in and let God, or people come in and help. i'm so used to trying to do everything on my own. Thank you for your prayers.
it is hard to give in and let God, or people come in and help. i'm so used to trying to do everything on my own. Thank you for your prayers.
That's exactly my problem, I have to be constantly reminded to "let go and let God!" It works girl...

I say the Serenity prayer often:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
I focus on every word, and it helps me a great deal, especially when I am feeling overwhelmed.:yep:
That's exactly my problem, I have to be constantly reminded to "let go and let God!" It works girl...

I say the Serenity prayer often:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
I focus on every word, and it helps me a great deal, especially when I am feeling overwhelmed.:yep:

Yep to all of this...I am a self confessed control freak, I come from the school of if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. We often forget that God works a lot of the time through people, I never check this site after my lunch hour but something told me to go and take a quick peak and low and behold there was the post, and I just prayed about a situation like this earlier this week....so it was very fresh in my mind. God never ceases to amaze me because I was whining "I think I am the only one who goes through this." He showed me that it was not only true, but gave me enough clarity to (well I hope) be able to encourage some one.
That's exactly my problem, I have to be constantly reminded to "let go and let God!" It works girl...

I say the Serenity prayer often:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
I focus on every word, and it helps me a great deal, especially when I am feeling overwhelmed.:yep:

that is hard to say. i mean i don't feel like crying right now. but i will try to say it. thanks.