I need help :(


New Member
You know, I posted in the Random thoughts thread a couple of times then deleted it. I'll probably end up doing that with this thread as well.

I'm going through it with my family. I am so hurt by them and I cannot believe it has gotten to this stage. I feel abandoned by everyone including God. What's worst is I don't know what to do or even what the problem is. I guess the problem must be me since everyone else says so, but I don't see it. I try my best to be pious and to do any and everything I am able to but I just get taken advantage of by my family.

About 6 years ago, I went through some horrible things with my family, but God helped me then and guided me through it and answered my prayers. This time I feel like He is ignoring my prayers and my pleas. I have been fasting since Monday, and I feel like it's in vain, I don't know what else to do.

I guess I'm just asking that anyone who has it in them to please pray for me, because I don't have the will or strength to pray for myself anymore. Maybe God will hear someone else's prayers for me...
Consider it done!

Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Be patient my dear, god hears you and he has not forgotten you. Feel Better! :bighug:
Praying for you...:yep:

Here are some rhetorical questions that I asked myself when I no longer have peace:

1) Do I have any unforgiveness in my heart towards others and myself?
2) Do I need to repent unto the Lord?
3) Do I need to make amends with someone?

May God give you ears to hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying and a heart to receive; And may the peace that surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind in Jesus name.

Be Blessed.
I was actually praying for you before I even saw this post. :yep: In every relationship we go through times where we aren't exactly lovie dovie w/ people. In a relationship where there is true love present we know we still love them. As born again believers, we still have those feelings from time to time. Even towards our God. Some ppl just aren't honest enough to admit it. There is not 1 person in the bible we reference who did not have times where they thought or felt abandoned by God. Thing is He never left them and He still hears you too- right now wherever you are... We grow in our spiritual lives just like we grow in our physical bodies. We are tri-part beings just like our tri- part daddy. As you grow spiritually you must learn to not be lead by emotions. Our emotions are wonderful gifts that allow us to experience life in this world in ways we never could w/o them but, if they are unchecked they can take us on very unpleasant rides. The way to check them is to do exactly what you said you've been doing. Remember the previous times God came through for you. Write them down. Write scriptures down when God gives them to you b/c as sure as you are breathing tough times will come again. The difference is whether you have your survival gear intact and on hand. Usually the deepest hurts come from our families simply b/c they have access to us in a way others don't. The root cause of problems is rarely one-sided. It may be true that you have something to do with it but doubtful it's all your fault ok? So don't keep thinking that way about yourself. There can be no testimony w/o a test and a serious case of the moanies ok? :rolleyes: It doesn't feel good right now :nono: but your trials come to make you strong. Say as part of your daily confessions, "I'm not moved by what I see, hear, smell, touch, feel, or taste. I'm not moved by circumstances. I am moved only by what the word of God says."
You are not alone.... :blowkiss:

Habakkuk 2:2 (New International Version)

The LORD's Answer
2 Then the LORD replied:
"Write down the revelation
and make it plain on tablets
so that a herald [anyone who reads it] may run with it.
((((hugs)))) to you. I’ve been where you are and I know it doesn’t feel good. Do what you can to make the relationship better. Pray and ask God to show you yourself. This is one of the most difficult prayers to pray because when you pray it God will open up your eyes and show you some things that might make you gasp. I remember the first time I prayed that prayer I said to God, “God is that me????” I couldn’t believe it. But the good news is that God is such a gentleman. His chastisement is gentle, yet strong enough that He gets His point across and those who really love Him and are seeking Him will repent. God loves you and you are not alone. Do what you can to make the way smooth. Do what you can to mend the broken relationships in your family. Ask God to heal your broken heart. Once you feel confident that are doing all you can to make the relationship(s) better, if there are still problems then move on. You can’t change other people, but you can change the way you react to people. Many blessings to you.
I have prayed for you.

The God who was there for you a few years ago, is the same God that (is)will be here for you now. Trust in him and have faith that he will deliver you. There must be a lesson the lord wants you to learn, but you are not quite there yet. Be patient in yourself as he is with you. This time he is slower to respond because he's trying to build your character.....allow him to do it. For now on when you pray, do not expect a quick response, but know and have faith that he WILL respond! God is always on time....HIS time...not OUR time!
It's hard to fast and then wait on the Lord for an answer. Remember that fasting is what allows to hear God's voice clearly, but a HUGE part of fasting is intercession! Remember to include other people in your fasting and praying, focusing more on their issues, and only then the Lord will be able to fix your problems. I suggest taking Shimmie's advice, which was so Biblically on point, and then prayerfully read Isaiah 58. God knows what you need, and He is more than able to help. I will definitely be praying for you as well! Let us know when He comes in to save...'cause I have no doubt that He will :nods:
Lamara, God will never leave you........'without Him'. He loves you far too much to leave you in any Valley no matter how low, nor will He leave you on top of any mountain, no matter how high.

He's with you in the darkest of darkness and although the light may seem nil or dim, He's still there, loving you deep within the heart of Him.

When you feel 'alone', it's not because you are. You are simply 'aware' that something is in the way of the closeness of God that you are used to feeling. Then is where Jesus taught us, "Mountain, be thou removed -- hence into the sea."

If nothing more the people you love, still love you and are still very much a part of you and it's only that they misunderstand and the harder you try to reconcile, the harder their resistance appears to be.

I wouldn't doubt that it's because you have changed from the person they knew before you gave your heart to Jesus. This has a way of sending family members into a fretful 'spin', especially if they are still in sin and haven't given their hearts to Jesus as you have chosen to do.

Also, the more you strive to let go of the previous life, the harder satan will make it for you. And your family members are his perfect tools and weapons that he will use against you.

Remember what happened to Joseph and his brothers? Now this is a 'paraphrase' of the story (a virtual interpretation).

Joseph was the 'saved' one in the family and he was 'favored' with a coat of many colors and with the gift of interpreting dreams and visions. His brothers became resentful and he was therefore abandoned by them.

However, he was not abandoned by God.

Throughout Joseph's abandonment by his 'family' (his brothers), God was STILL and Always with him and God prospered, developed, matured and promoted Joseph into a higher level of relationship with Him. He made Joseph a grand Leader alongside Egypt's hierachy.

Later in the story, his brothers were reconciled to Joseph for he had been set apart as a posterity (as one to save) for them.

Our decision's to follow Jesus will be filled with persecutions from all directions and persecutions are not effective if they have no 'bite' or sting or even wounds or a broken heart. It's what we endure for the sake of Jesus Christ, just as He did for us.

Jesus said that when men revile you, persecute you for His sake to consider it 'all joy'.

Lamara, it hurts, I've been there so often myself. And this is where you learn not to care where it brings you to despair and depression. Not as 'heartless' but as not to break down and give up. Because in each circumstance, you will always come forth stronger and closer to God than ever before; and you will end up being the strong one in prayer when your family members are in trouble. This is the price we 'pay' and it's worth it.

God has this loving promise for you. When you go through the fire, you will not be burned. When you walk through the waters (floods) they will not overtake you. I am with you and will never forsake you.

Jesus, Himself, when upon the Cross, felt abandoned by God His Father. The Father who sent Him here upon this earth to walk among us. The Father He had known from the very beginning of the 'Beginning'. For in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and te Word became 'Flesh' and walked among us.

Yes, Our Lord Jesus was also where you are and He still is, right there beside you. Feel His embrace; He's right there and He promises never to leave you, not ever.

Cry and don't ever be ashamed for doing so. The tears will cleanse away the pain. And you will see the joy and live it a lot sooner than it feels that you will. God is your joy and He condemns you, not. He loves you Lamara and He's not going back on it and He's not going back on you. :kiss:

In Jesus' Name..... Amen :Rose:
I have prayed for you.

The God who was there for you a few years ago, is the same God that (is)will be here for you now. Trust in him and have faith that he will deliver you. There must be a lesson the lord wants you to learn, but you are not quite there yet. Be patient in yourself as he is with you. This time he is slower to respond because he's trying to build your character.....allow him to do it. For now on when you pray, do not expect a quick response, but know and have faith that he WILL respond! God is always on time....HIS time...not OUR time!

Yes! Many times we ask God to take control of situations but we expect Him to work in our time. There are times we miss His reply because we are trying to handle things with our own understanding Please remember no matter what your situation he is there. Maybe He simply wants you to put all faith in Him so you can have the mountain moving experience you pray for.
I'll be praying for you.

We are praying for you. Better yet, the Holy Spirit is interceding for you. I know what it feels like to feel abandoned by God. I'm sure Job did and David did as well when he was hiding out from Saul. I can imagine Joseph even felt this way during his years of captivity and even Jesus in the garden, BUT (thank God for the buts in life), God will never leave you or forsake you. He was with Job, David and Joseph through their times of struggle. He's with you too. The thing is, you only learn that (the fact that God doesn't forsake you) by going THRU the adversity. Then and only then, do you come to know him as a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

I've learned to praise God in sickness. It's then that I learn him to be Jehovah Rappa, my healer. It's only through storms that we learn and grow. Yes, they're uncomfortable, but they do pass.

I don't know all of what happened with your family, but this season, although it looks bad right now, will pass. I also believe that God will use all of this (didn't say he caused it) to strengthen you. You'll come out stronger, wiser and closer to the Lord. The great thing about adversity is that it draws us closer to God.

Prayers are being sent up on your behalf. Be encouraged!!
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My dear lamara

When we are beset with doubts, of whatever kind, we must guard our hearts as we draw ourselves nearer to god through worship and through prayer, When we do so,god the loving father who has never left our sides, draws even closer to us (james4;8.)

God never leaves our side even for an instant, he is always with you, always. I will pray for you to recieve the lords peace and comfort. The father always hears his childrens cries. He may not come when you want him but he always comes right on time:yep:.

Please hear our prayers o lord and grant lamara thy peace in the name of jesus i pray amen.
That's it right there, in a nutshell. :yep:

Our decision's to follow Jesus will be filled with persecutions from all directions and persecutions are not effective if they have no 'bite' or sting or even wounds or a broken heart. It's what we endure for the sake of Jesus Christ, just as He did for us.
Re: Help us be Cross Bearers


Your post reminds me of when Simon helped Jesus carry his cross. God wants us to always be there for one another and I will pray for you and your family, that your burden will become light.

Please try not to be "pious" but instead Trust God and have Faith, that he has your back. Your good works can't please God, it's what's in your heart that does. And knowing that he'll never leave you nor forsake you is enough of a reminder that you also can't give up on him. Everything is in his time... so I pray your receive what you've prayed for and let God do the rest, on his time. I know it's hard, but I believe you can.

God bless you....

You know, I posted in the Random thoughts thread a couple of times then deleted it. I'll probably end up doing that with this thread as well.

I'm going through it with my family. I am so hurt by them and I cannot believe it has gotten to this stage. I feel abandoned by everyone including God. What's worst is I don't know what to do or even what the problem is. I guess the problem must be me since everyone else says so, but I don't see it. I try my best to be pious and to do any and everything I am able to but I just get taken advantage of by my family.

About 6 years ago, I went through some horrible things with my family, but God helped me then and guided me through it and answered my prayers. This time I feel like He is ignoring my prayers and my pleas. I have been fasting since Monday, and I feel like it's in vain, I don't know what else to do.

I guess I'm just asking that anyone who has it in them to please pray for me, because I don't have the will or strength to pray for myself anymore. Maybe God will hear someone else's prayers for me...
Lamara i don't want to steer you in the wrong direction but i want to help you. If it was me i would apologize for hitting my mom and leave. God does not want you to be unhappy. When we do all we can sometimes there is nothing left for us to do but go. I pray others with more experience chime in and please correct me someone if this is the wrong advice. I will continue to pray for you to be free of this situation. You are a strong and loving woman to go through so much. I know you care for your grandparents but you can't do anymore than you already have.
And I want to leave, but what will happen to them? I wouldn't be able to afford to maintain two separate households, at least not now. I don't know what my financial situation will be like when I graduate in May. And even then, I need to take care of myself and my household, how fair would it be to my husband (we plan to marry December next year) for so much of my money to be going into another household? I would be like one of those men who have two separate families :lachen: I am so confused right now :nono:

Are there any programs in your area that may be able to help with them with health insurance or any programs to help with their finances. You can still help them with what you can and check on them to make sure they are ok. Maybe speak with a financial councilor to help make up a monthly budget. I wish there was more i could do to help you hun. Im sorry.
Father please forgive me for ever doubting You were here with me in all my struggles. I now know that You will never forsake me, and I in return will never forsake You. Thank You for giving me rest and wisdom, and for giving me direction in all that I do, even if I am not aware of it. Thank You Lord for taking away all my worries and frustrations and sustaining me with Your grace. Most of all, thank You Dear Lord for loving me when I can't love myself and when I believe no one else loves me either.

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Father please forgive me for ever doubting You were here with me in all my struggles. I now know that You will never forsake me, and I in return will never forsake You. Thank You for giving me rest and wisdom, and for giving me direction in all that I do, even if I am not aware of it. Thank You Lord for taking away all my worries and frustrations and sustaining me with Your grace. Most of all, thank You Dear Lord for loving me when I can't love myself and when I believe no one else loves me either.


:hug3:Thank you jesus amen
wow..what a beautiful prayer! :rosebud:

Amen..and amen!! :yep: Let it rain on you!


Father please forgive me for ever doubting You were here with me in all my struggles. I now know that You will never forsake me, and I in return will never forsake You. Thank You for giving me rest and wisdom, and for giving me direction in all that I do, even if I am not aware of it. Thank You Lord for taking away all my worries and frustrations and sustaining me with Your grace. Most of all, thank You Dear Lord for loving me when I can't love myself and when I believe no one else loves me either.
