I need help with Type 2C hair


Hi Ladies, I have a 4 y.o. daughter who has Type 2C hair. It looks great when it's soaking wet but as soon as it starts to dry it's FRIZZY city! :confused:
Can anyone suggest a regimen for maintaining her hair? I believe her hair is healthy and growing, but her ends just look terrible to me.

BTW, we live on the east coast, so washing her hair everyday is not practical for the winter. I have Type 4A/B hair and it seems like everything that works for my hair does nothing for hers.

TIA :)
my boyfriend has long type 2 hair that he wears in a ponytail.

He airdrys or blowdries with a diffuser. He uses a Pantene specifically for curly hair (i cannot remember the name) or other moisturizing shampoos and conditioners.

He also does CW more than shampoos! He told me last weekend that he just uses conditioner because his hair gets so frizzy.

Another product he uses is the Vive anti-frizz leave in. I actually used it myself as a leave-in.

his hair always looks so healthy and nice. It still frizzes at times, but it is natural looking.
Thanks ladies for both of your help! I checked out that website and it's got a whole section on 2c hair. :smile Bumping for any other suggestions including ideal hairstyles.