I need help with my dry 4b texlax hair


Well-Known Member
"I thought I posted this but I didn't see it when I checked so I am posting again. Sorry if this is a double post."

Hello Ladies,
happy New Year and hope all is well? I am currently in Afghanistan and will be here till about August. Because of the the amount of chlorine they put in the water here my 4b texlax hair dries out so much. I really need recommendation for a really good moisturizer that I can use after I dry my hair. I have really good conditioners that I brought here with me but my hair still feels dry after blow drying and flat ironing.

Any recommendation will help because I don't like how my hair feels right now.

Well I been deployed for 3-4 times and realize my culprit was the blowdryer and flatiron. Only when I eliminated these out, (my latest deployment) my hair was not dry. I just airdry in a bun. Also take a bottle of water in the shower with you and once you finishing washing or cowashing your hair, use the bottle water as a final rinse.

To be honest-I didn't use a moisturizer cause I co wash my hair every other day. Therefore my hair was always moist. I would seal with coconut oil though. I stayed away from gel, cause it would usually melt down my face about time i get to work.
I didn't even think of bottled water and this is my 6th deployment. Usually I have a weave in but because I was going for a longer period this time I didn't want to wear a weave. I have the big whole jar of the silicon mix so I am gonna start co-washing every other day then. Thanks for the advice.
I don't know if you all get care packages from redcross-but they usually have V05 conditioners in them-these work great for cowashing, when I got back I start buying them in the U.S. Especially the Moisture Milks. People in my company will pass overbthe cheapie conditioners and I would grab em up. Then they will ask me-what im using in my hair.

Also I would put ORS Replenish Conditioner on my hair, put it in a bun and go work out, then come back and rinse it out, that was my DC. Cause like you I was working long hours with no days off, so get it where I can fit it in.
i know it's not afghanistan, but i live in iowa and the wind here in the winter is ferocious. i am learning quickly that my texlaxed hair just laughs at regular water based moisturizers from the store. the only things i have found so far that REALLY keep my hair moist are the arsenal of oils i have accumulated over my yearlong journey and some thick moisturizers. i mix olive, coconut and sweet almond oil with ORS replenishing pak and Silk Elements deep conditioner for deep conditioning. i just tried that on DRY hair and it was fantastic. i also discovered Karen's Body Beautiful shea butters and creams and i really like the Elasta QP Mango Butter with Olive Oil. they keep my ends good and moist. as The Princess says, seal that hair with coconut oil. i really hope that helps.
I agree with the princess about reducing the amount of heat you're using. I would also recommend baggying your hair at night. If you don't want to baggy your entire head, you can put the baggy around the length of your hair. I have always been able to reverse chronic dryness by doing this.
definitely chelate to get rid of the chlorine
your moisturizers may not work if you don't chelate first
I am texalxed and I find that my hair LOVES Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Shampoo & Conditioner, I don't apply a Moisturizer, after I cleanse my hair I put in the Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Leave In conditioner Cream, and it makes my hair soft all day long, and I also noticed when I use just a good leave in only, my hair doesn't shed hardly at all, as when I use a daily hair moisturizer. Good Luck to you!!
I like to use ORS Creamy Aloe shampoo. It removes build up and deposits and moisturizes as well. Good luck!
Right now my power combo is:

Herbal Essence LTR Leave In + Qhemet Burdock Root

I am on day 3 of my twistout and my hair is STILL moisturized. I can't believe it.
I like the Mizhani Puriphying shampoo. It removes buildup without making my hair feel overly stripped.
ors creamy aloe is chelating; i recommend it
a regular clarifying poo wont necessarily remove mineral deposits
Thanks everyone. I just ordered some stuff. I'll update you guys in about 3 weeks on what works best. Thanks again!

So I have coconut oil but I am not sure how to use it. I have seen where people say they have to rinse it out a few times. What I want to know is can I leave it in my hair? Or do I have to use it like a Deep Conditioner and rinse it out? I Clarified tonight and then used ORS pak as a deep conditioner. My leave in was Karen's hair milk. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to use the coconut oil as a leave in or wash it out.

Thanks Ladies.

Update: Thanks ladies for all your suggestion. I haven't used any heat on my hair since I first posted this. It is like I have my own salon here because I have all kinds of moisturizers here just so I can keep my hair moisturized. Anyway, wanted to say thanks for all the suggestions.