I NEED HELP!!!!! What is happening to my hair?????


Well-Known Member
This past weekend I brought AOHR Conditioner, hoping for some extreme moisture and slip. I pre-poo with Aussie "Moist" Conditioner and JBCO with heat for 15 minutes rinse no moisture, shampoo with Roux Porosity applied AOHR and Roux Porosity Conditioner and rinse and nothing happened I had more moisture with Roux Porosity Control Shampoo then either conditioning mix. Okay I applied HairOne Olive Oil which previously made my hair soft in the shower under the water and out but today it did nothing. The last time I Chelate with Nexxus Aloe Rid was about a week and a half ago. Yes, I have hard water is it possible for my water to be getter "harder" as in more and more iron and minerals than before?? Another thing I notice is that my crown area is getting VERY DRY and ITCHY which had stopped and now have started back.:wallbash:

Please any advise.
Have you clarified with a good clarifying shampoo recently? Is it possible that you may have a product buildup on your strands that is blocking all your moisturizing products from getting in? I would do a good clarifying shampoo at least once a month, and see what happens. Sometimes heavy oils can coat the cuticles too in a way that can knock the moisture out of balance.
I think you're doing too much - how long have you had this reggie?

I would say wash again, and skip the oils.
It could be that the products you are using aren't the best for your hair. I would suggest that you clarify and use your old products, see what happens. Then introduce the products you used above one after the other to determine the culprit. HTH
I just clarified with Nexxus Aloe Rid because of hard water, maybe I need to change my clarifying shampoo? I was trying something new with the AOHR and the Aussie with JBCO. Maybe my hair do not like JBCO?? I thought Nexxus Aloe rid shampoo can be used as a clarifier and a chelating??
Try simplifying your reggie. No pre-poo; just try washing and DC'in with one Conditioner.
I just clarified with Nexxus Aloe Rid because of hard water, maybe I need to change my clarifying shampoo? I was trying something new with the AOHR and the Aussie with JBCO. Maybe my hair do not like JBCO?? I thought Nexxus Aloe rid shampoo can be used as a clarifier and a chelating??
I clarify with Quantum Clarifying shampoo, I got it from Sally's, its the first clarifying poo Ive tried but my hair came out really nice, it has Vitamin A for shine.
About the no moisture... I'm not for sure, but none of the conditioners were deep conditioners. So that may be why you weren't feeling that extra "oomph" of moisture. Try Aussie deeeeeep 3 min condtioner or Giovanni Smooth as silk and add some honey, you'l definitely feel it. Also, it sounds like you did entirely too much and you might be having an allergic reaction.

A cowash, scalp massage and DC. That might mositurize your hair and soothe your scalp a little bit:)
I use Nexxus Aloe Rid to clarify my hair,, I think the girls are correct... start over with your old staples and then add the new back in one at a time to see which one your hair doesn't like.