I need help rollersetting


Active Member
I have long midback relaxed hair... that isnt relaxed bone straight, it thinning out now from blowdrying and flat ironing once a week... and i really want to rollerset but I've tried and my rollers are loose, and my hair is still curly on the roller, not laying straight... I use 1 1/2 and 2 inch rollers with long roller bobby pins... some one help.. thanks
homegirljiggy said:
I have long midback relaxed hair... that isnt relaxed bone straight, it thinning out now from blowdrying and flat ironing once a week... and i really want to rollerset but I've tried and my rollers are loose, and my hair is still curly on the roller, not laying straight... I use 1 1/2 and 2 inch rollers with long roller bobby pins... some one help.. thanks

are you pulling your hair so that is tight and taut over the rollers? What are you using as a leave in - sometjhing light or heavy? that could be the culprit.

Take a look at macheriamour's fotki, she has a nice tutorial :)
thank you soo much ladies... I need to probably use those duck clips instead of bobby pins... and I dont think I have enough rollers, on average how many rollers are you supposed to use? thanks again
dlewis said:
Albane and I were talking about this recently, I use about 50 rollers, I think she uses more.
:eek: Maybe I need to get more rollers! I use just a few.:look:

Besides Macherieamour's rollersetting instructions, Lonei had good instructions in her fotki, on her ponytail rollerset method, which I use.
dlewis said:
Albane and I were talking about this recently, I use about 50 rollers, I think she uses more.

Oh wow, your sets are perfect, you need to teach me! Do you start rolling the middle section from the back or front? When you do the sides, do you start from the top or bottom? Why do you clip them together? Please teach me, i want to give the ponytail sets a rest! PM me please
:) No, I dont use the small ones. I use the grey, purple and the next size down. But I try not to put too much in each one because the drying time increases with that. I sit under the dryer 1 hour and 15 mins - 2 hours.
Are you making sure that your hair is soaking wet. I have a spray bottle full of water, a little leave-in cond. and alm oil and saturate each section before rolling it.
dlewis thanks so much for your instructions with picture. I just bought a Pibbs and I am teaching myself to rollerset but it is no where as neat as yours. My lil sis graduated from Cosmetology School years ago and told me she would rollerset my hair for me.:grin: I may take her up when my hair gets to waist length but for now I want to do it myself.

I'm a newbie trying rollersetting, and I've seen your pictures. But for some reason I'm not able to get the pin/clip to latch on to the rollers so that there's secure fit. They seem to just fall over. How did you get the clips to stay so that the roller is tight and are there other options besides the clip.
You proably need to use the slide in clips for roller, it has a little opening by the end.
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