I need help regarding length


New Member
OK, I tried to find a growth/length chart in someone's Fotki, but can't seem to come across one. Please help ladies- :rolleyes:I would like to know were is tail bone length and were is hip length. Thank you.
Here you go!

This doesn't say anything about hip/tailbone length. BRB.
OK, I tried to find a growth/length chart in someone's Fotki, but can't seem to come across one. Please help ladies- :rolleyes:I would like to know were is tail bone length and were is hip length. Thank you.

Thanks for that diagram crlsweetie912. It confirms what I thought... Hip length is by the hip bone, tail bone length right where you spine ends (sort of where your butt crack starts).
Thank you ladies, You all are on top of it as always:grin:. I will be saving this information in my folder.