I need help quick!


Well-Known Member
Ok so this may not be an emergency but I am having a lot of trouble with the ends of my hair. I just got finished trimming last night because the ends were feeling a bit rough. I had noticed bunch of SSK's at the ends of my braids, so I did a trim and wound up taking off at least 1" of hair from all over my head. I had just done a trim almost 2 weeks ago.

Back up to two months ago. I had just had it with blowdrying my hair with a comb attachment and my ends needed to be trimmed because they were very broken and brittle feeling. I couldn't even get a wide tooth comb through to the ends of my hair. So I trimmed in June and started doing rollersets to air dry my hair. The rollersetting worked out fine, I particularly noticed a lot of retention in the last two months. What ever hair I had trimmed off in June was back by August. I was trying to hold off on trimming for at least 3 months. The only thing that changed since my first trim this month was my use of the blow dryer but instead of using a comb attachment I was using a round brush to dry my hair. I don't believe that the blow drying was the sole culprit because I had to trim at 7 weeks post trim to get rid of the last set of broken ends before I began to blow dry again.

I'm getting sick of this breakage and trimming, it's *&^% with my length. Right now my ends feel nice and smooth. I want to keep them this way. I moisturize and seal regularly, use seamless wide tooth combs, sulfate free shampoos, no heat and still I get this crazy breakage at my ends.

I'm natural and I wash my hair 2x week with a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner. I detangle before I wash and comb through my hair while under running water while I rinse out the conditioner. I use a moisturizing leave in and moisturize and seal once my hair is dry. I only comb my hair (starting from the ends up) to style it which is once a day. I braid my hair as a protective style at night and use a satin bonnet when I sleep. I also have satin pillowcases too. I don't make use of elastics much and I make sure to steer clear of my ends when using them. I wear my hair up since I really don't have any length to have my hair brushing against my clothes.

I really don't know what else to do. Can anybody give me some advice. Thanks.
I noticed that you mentioned moisture a lot, but what about protein? Is it possible that your ends need more strength?
How gentle are you with your hair? I've heard people say plenty of times that they do XYZ to their hair but it has to be some reason why your hair is breaking off. It may be that your hair may not like blow drying. If it was damaged by it back then then that damage does not just magically go away. Hair cannot repair itself and you can either trim it off or use protein to temporarily repair the damage. That is all that I can think of from what you have shared.
I forgot to add that I do Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor once a month. I did not have a good reaction to using it more often than that. I try not to bee rough with my hair but if I get fustrated or if I'm in a hurry I tend to go to quickly through my hair.
I agree with @darlingdiva and @ms-gg, also have you considered wearing low manipulation hairstyles? Many naturals wear their hair in styles that can be worn for a couple of days or weeks so they aren't having to fuss with their hair. If you're Type 4 and have fine hair, you should consider low mani hairstyles (braids/cornrows, twists/flat twists, braid-outs, twist-outs, straw sets, etc).

We would all do well if we took a leaf out the book of the Himba tribe. Long hair is more the norm than the exception and the common factor among the women and girls, is low manipulation:



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I forgot to add that I do Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor once a month. I did not have a good reaction to using it more often than that. I try not to bee rough with my hair but if I get fustrated or if I'm in a hurry I tend to go to quickly through my hair.

Maybe Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner would be better for you because it is already protein/moisture-balanced, plus it is loaded with ceramides, which are great for the hair.
You said you comb and re-braid at night, but how are you wearing your hair daily? As others have said, it's time to reduce the manipulation of combing and styling.