I need help please


New Member
I relaxed with motions oil regular about two weeks ago and noticed that it wasnt bone straight. I didntmind cos my hair is fine and thin and bone straight hair doesnt look good on me. I tried the baggie method last week and put olive oil on my ends while it was wet. I had the baggie for about a week and didnt take it off. When i finally did, i noticed that while i combed the area where my ponytail was, it was breaking. As in the little hair. I also shed a lot. I washed today and my hair was pratically falling off. Like i said earlier, my hair is thin and i dont have a lot of hair on my head and i can afford any breakage or shedding. When i couldnt take seeing hair on my hands after touching it, i decided to do an aphogee treatment. It's still continued. Btw, I realised my hair didnt relax at all so i guess the breakage is from the relaxin. I relaxed it myself too and left it on for 18 minutes. What do you think will stop this. And how soon shouldi relax again. This is the 2nd time it's happened. The last time, i used revlon realistic mild. Im trying to change form no-lye to lye. So do you suggest i leave the relaxer on for like 22 mins? please i really need some help. I thought my hair was doing alright until this!!!!!!!! Sorry this is so long
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I'd suggest putting relaxing on hold until you can get the breakage under control. Maybe your hair doesn't like Motion Oil relaxer. Also, what's the recommended relaxer time for your hair type? You mention that your hair is fine, and fine hair usually require less time than coarser hair types.

Did you moisturize like crazy after the Aphogee? From what the ladies here have posted about it, it usually stops breakage in its tracks. Remember that protein, especially heavy duty protein, is really drying. So continue to moisturize and wearing protective styles. Also, re-examine the products in your regimen. Your hair might be reacting negatively to one of them. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but I'm sure others will chime in to help you figure out the source of your breakage.:)
Thanks for the reply. I dont know the recommended relaxer for my hair type. I thought 18 minutes was going to be enough. Yes, i deep conditioned with humectress after the aphogee. But how do i stop the shedding. As in long strands with white bulbs at the end. That's shedding. Right? i added ors olive oil to my regiman as a moisturiser so maybe thats it. I dunno. Im so depressed
It could be that lye relaxers don't work for your hair. I know they don't work for mine. I tried Bantu, Motions, Textures and Tones, and Elucence before finally giving up and going back to no-lye.
Some other members have had the same experiences and concluded that no-lye was best for their hair.
I too think you need to moisturize your hair well. I am not sure what you used after the aphogee, but you definitely needed a GREAT moisturizing conditioner.

Also, some ladies hair doesn't agree with the baggie method. Maybe your hair is one of them:confused: I realized that my hair doesn't like the wet baggie method. My hair reeked and I think it was probably about to get moldy (yeah hair can mold and mildew). So that could be it too. Try your baggie with dry hair and apply oil on the ends of dry hair.

Next time you shampoo be sure to deep condition. As for the shedding, some ladies recommend a garlic treatment or adding garlic oil to your conditioner (I think it was conditioner).
This may be a dumb question but, did you neutralize thoroughly? Also I don't know how long you've been using the olive oil but my hair hates olive oil and I always get breakage when I use it. I think we all go through our own seasonal shedding but if it's excessive you might want to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist or trichologist. In the meantime I'd recommend an ACV rinse.
My hair didn't agree with the wet in the baggie either, at least not in the winter. I use CareFree Gold ativator on my recently washed and conditioned hai, let it dry in a ponytail and once it's dry, I apply more activator and put it in the baggie. My hair does not stink moldy that way and my ends are as moisturised as the rest of my hair.:) I take the baggie off at night and let my hair breathe a little. I sleep with my hair braided in a french braid covered with a scarf.

I hope your hair getts better soon.:rosebud:
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Ok here's what i did. I washed with NTM shampoo, did an ACV rinse, conditioned with NTM conditioner then deep conditioned with NTM mask. I noticed my hair was still breaking when i started combing it. I used lacio lacio as a leave in and went to watch tv while my hair air dried. I usually comb it while i air dry so it comes out straight and i noticed this huge lump of hair on my neck. That was when i decided to do the aphogee. This time, i used humectress to deep condition. So do i go back to no-lye? And yes, ill try the baggie with my hair dry and use vaseline instead of olive oil. im definitely going to get the garlic oil. I already feel better. Thanks everyone!!!!!
Here's the garlic info:

Tracy said:
Nutrine makes a garlic shampoo (and conditioner], that will almost def help with constant unprovoked shedding.

This is a sitch where garlic will def help. Get the unscented version. You can also add unscented garlic oil to your conditioners and shampoos for the same effect.
Dolapo said:
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Ok here's what i did. I washed with NTM shampoo, did an ACV rinse, conditioned with NTM conditioner then deep conditioned with NTM mask. I noticed my hair was still breaking when i started combing it. I used lacio lacio as a leave in and went to watch tv while my hair air dried. I usually comb it while i air dry so it comes out straight and i noticed this huge lump of hair on my neck. That was when i decided to do the aphogee. This time, i used humectress to deep condition. So do i go back to no-lye? And yes, ill try the baggie with my hair dry and use vaseline instead of olive oil. im definitely going to get the garlic oil. I already feel better. Thanks everyone!!!!!
Is NTM shampoo neutralizing shampoo? If not, that needed to be done. It's been two weeks but if you haven't yet done so, you can still wash with a neutralizing shampoo now. It will correct your pH balance of your hair. Deep condition again with a moisturizing conditioner (no protein!) such as Humectress, which is a good choice.

When airdrying and especially after my hair has airdried, I've learned not to comb my hair at all because it will cause breakage. Some of the ladies comb while airdrying as a technique to straighten. This does not work on my hair. I only comb my hair on wash days when it is wet.

I suggest being very, very gentle with your hair at all time, gently combing with a wide toothed comb only when detangling, and wear styles that use as little manipulation as possible. Please stay away from relaxers for the time being.