I need HAIR MODELS in NY for haircuts!!


New Member
I recently graduated from Cosmetology school a few months ago. I was working in a kids salon as an assistant during school and a little bit after I graduated. Anyway, I decided that it was time for me to make a bigger step so I applied for a job in adult salon and I was hired last week. My boss is currently training me to become a stylist ASAP but I need some hair models to work on for practice.

If anyone is interested please contact Marc at 212-889-0950 between 10-7pm to schedule an appointment preferably in the mornings for 10am. Haircuts are free and include a shampoo and blowdry.The haircuts will be supervised and I will work with model's request of style.

For more info about the salon. Please visit http://marcdorsay.com/

Thank you!!
Congratulations on graduating!

It might be a tough sell getting the ladies in here to volunteer for a haircut considering what many of us are doing to gain inches :lachen:...but best of luck!
Good Luck to you!:grin: I would love to do this, however I don't live in NYC, and I am growing my hair out. Other than that, this girl LOVES the heck out of a cute short cut!:spinning:
Thank you ladies for responding!! I know it would be difficult to get volunteers because everyone here is trying to achieve their hair goals but I just thought I would give it a shot.:giggle: It can even be a trim, long layers and short layers etc.:look::grin::lachen: