I need encouragement...


New Member
Ok ladies, tomorrow is D-Day. I am getting my REAL hair done. Now to some that is nothing. But, I havent worn it out in 10 years. I have always kept braids and weaves in it due to the fact that I didnt take care of my hair so I was always hiding it. But, now it seems to be a good length but, I havent seen it Permed and Flat ironed in a super long time. SO , I'm just nervous and fearful that I won't like it. And I have to get Bangs cuz my hair in the front is short and I ain't never seen that on me. And then what if I get it out and its in good condition and then it starts breaking off and not being healthy and then never grows???

Sorry, I had to take you on my mind rollercoaster for a minute.
Girrrrrrrrrrrrrl I know how you feel. I have been in braids for 9 years and have not had chemicals in that long. I had to cut my hair several times becase I had gotten a bad press so I had a a lot of set backs. I am going to get a texturizer today and am excited and scared at the same time because of hair breakage. I reacll form when I had a perm that I had breakage when I had new growth, etc. But I have a feeling that now I will know how to take care of my texturizer because of LHCF. it seems I have more knowledge about hair. i figured that during the week, I will wear my hair curly since I am always in the gym and straighten on special occasions. I can always do roller sets, etc. but am scared and excited as you are.
No worries chica -

Hopefully you know enough "don't do that" from this forum to tell your beautician what you don't want her doing. Once you are home its a piece of cake cause you got all these wonderful sista's to help you along the way. Be encouraged. You can do this!!
No worries chica -

Hopefully you know enough "don't do that" from this forum to tell your beautician what you don't want her doing. Once you are home its a piece of cake cause you got all these wonderful sista's to help you along the way. Be encouraged. You can do this!!

ITA!!! and Congrats!
No worries sweetie :bighug: there is so much knowledge here and the ladies are wonderful. The are so many thread that you can search for. Almost everything you need to do to keep your hair healthy is available on this site.
...and if you don't like it, you can always put some braids in your hair and use the techniques you've learned here to keep it up. Good luck.
I know how you feel. I have been wearing weaves for many years. I recently took it out as I could not handle the installation and take down process. Immediately after taking down, I deep conditioned under the steamer, and went to the salon to get my hair re-installed, but after telling my stylist how I felt, she said my hair is long enough to match the weave and I should press it. I was so scared because I had previously seen the high heat coming from the stove irons, and visions of dry greasy hair that reeked of a foul burnt odor plagued my mind.

With much hesitation (I swear I really irritated her, but she's so sweet she never showed it), I went ahead and allowed her to give me a demi-permanent color, another deep treatment, press and trim, after she assured me that it would come out looking wonderful, and if I didn't like it we could install the weave.

So she rollerset my hair, blow dryed it, and pressed it, and then trimmed / shaped my hair up.

When she turned my head back to the mirror, I couldn't believe my eyes! It looked like my hair had been freshly relaxed, and it was sooo long and silky!!!!

My press was wonderful. My hair was way down my back! (past bra strap length and a few inches from the tip touching my lower back). No burnt smell, no heavy grease, no dry damaged ends, just purely divine hair!

My advice to you would be to go to a hair stylist who knows what they are doing, and will take care of your hair. Make sure they use quality products.
Miss Bermuda,

My experience was much like yours. My friend has done my hair for years. I went this last time about a month and a half ago (I leave my weaves in for 6-8 weeks). She told me the dreaded words... IT'S TIME!!! I was like are you sure?? What if its ugly? What if they say my hair is damaged and cut all of it off. She was like Your hair is gonna be cute. So, the next day I scheduled my first appointment at a shop in years. I know she could tell something was up cuz I scheduled my hair appt. so early in advance. But, I just hope I get the same results as you. :)