I need an intervention and I need it now!!!!


Well-Known Member
This year started out so lovely. I've been fellowshipping w/ God like never before but I carried something w/ me into this new year that I vowed I would let stay in 2006. The devil is really trying to kill me, he's angry and after me w/ a vengance. Right now, I'm numb to all feelings. The only emotion I know right now is nothing. God has given me little signs, now the signs are getting bigger, I can't keep going down this road to only find that I've allowed myself to be killed. I wish I could go into detail but besides the embarassement and the fact that I'm educated enough to know better......I'm just stupid and now I may be wearing the badge of this dumb decision forever. Please w/ all that I have in me. I need prayer. I need to be removed from this situation and my focus placed back on God. Help me.....please!
nychaelasymone said:
This year started out so lovely. I've been fellowshipping w/ God like never before but I carried something w/ me into this new year that I vowed I would let stay in 2006. The devil is really trying to kill me, he's angry and after me w/ a vengance. Right now, I'm numb to all feelings. The only emotion I know right now is nothing. God has given me little signs, now the signs are getting bigger, I can't keep going down this road to only find that I've allowed myself to be killed. I wish I could go into detail but besides the embarassement and the fact that I'm educated enough to know better......I'm just stupid and now I may be wearing the badge of this dumb decision forever. Please w/ all that I have in me. I need prayer. I need to be removed from this situation and my focus placed back on God. Help me.....please!

Oh sweetheart....STOP! Sweetheart, It's okay. :kiss: It's really okay. The only enemy here is 'unforgiveness' of yourself for whatever you feel that you have done or perhaps not done. satan doesn't have this much power over you and he never will.

Come here, Angel...come here and just let it all go. If you cry...then just cry. It's okay. But know something. You are not defeated and neither are you about to 'lose it'....Because God has you covered. His name is Jehoval Shamah...meaning God is there. He was 'here' at this point of where you are now and He is also ahead of you where you are destined to be.

You are not a disappointment to Him. How could you be when all He sees is love when He looks at you. And He is looking at you now...now at this very moment and He will continue to look upon you with all of His loving heart.

Now, let it all go. Just let it go, little one. We all make mistakes in life. Mine outnumber the grains of sand on an island. But God still loves me and He still loves you AND He is also bringing you completely through all of this and more.

When we error, we have an advocate with God our Father...His name is Jesus.

"Lord, that which I do not see, teach (show) thou me, and where I have sinned, I will do no more..." Job 34:32

It's okay....it really is okay. I promise you and more so does God your Father in Heaven.

I love you.... ;) Big, big hugs (((( hugs ))))
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Shimmie is right, none of us is hopeless, all u have to do is cry one big cry, breathe, peel urself off the floor and thank God u're still here, as long as u're here, u know what it means? it means God has given u another chance, every day, every minute is another chance to do right. IF in the past u chose unwisely, it's ok, u still have ur chance right now. And will always have ur chance as long as He allows u to breathe, so thank him, and ask for his guidance, help sign etc... Satan CANNOT get to u while u're busy talking to God so start talking and stop looking behind u. Shimmie is right, Satan is not that strong. I hope i'm making sense.
I am sorry to hear your going through some troubles. You will be in my prayers. Remember we all make mistakes even sometimes when we know better. :) Please continue to be prayful. Be proactive in an attempt to elevate the damaging affect of whatever it is your too embarrassed to share. Don't beat yourself over the head if the damage isn't reversable. God always see's us through trying times. :)
We all love you, nychaelasymone. You are being loved and prayed for right now.

I'll share something else. The devil loves to use fear to oppress us. he stands before God each day and accuses us of 'wrong-doing' or beating us down with our mistakes. But God ignores his accusations because God knows that we would and will always make mistakes. And that's why He sent Jesus to attone and cover us for each mistake we could ever make.

There is no sin too great that God will not love and forgive us for.

One last thing. The devil is using one of his biggest fear factors...'torment'. Thoughts of fear and threats to bring you harm. The thing is, if he could harm you, he'd kept his stupid mouth shut and did what he was trying to scare you about....the stupid fool...the devil is one stupid fool...all mouth and no action.

Be at peace. Again, we love you and we are here with you and for you.

((( hugs ))) ;)
Thank you GOD for this post. I've been beating myself about a break up gone extremelly wrong in 2006 that I brought in 2007. I've done things that I know were not of GOD. Thank you NY for starting this post. I'm with you in this fight. GOD loves us and will forgive all. Remember girl "We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Christ who loves us" Hang in there Sis
Jenaee said:
Thank you GOD for this post. I've been beating myself about a break up gone extremelly wrong in 2006 that I brought in 2007. I've done things that I know were not of GOD. Thank you NY for starting this post. I'm with you in this fight. GOD loves us and will forgive all. Remember girl "We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Christ who loves us" Hang in there Sis

Thank you Jenaee!!! I realized more than ever just how good God is!!! I believe this year God is going to bless my life in ways I could never imagine He would. I believe that for you. Like so many of us single women, I'm trying so hard to remain in the will of God. It's only the January and I've been hit with so many tests and trials that I know God must have something awesome in store for me. I praise God with you. I praise God for you and I believe that if we continue to honor him with every area of our lives he will honor us. I pray for you and ask God to bless you with your destiny and bless you with the desires of your heart. I know how it feels to be tired but don't give up. I didn't know if I was coming or going but I've just emersed myself in the word and praying w/out ceasing and each passing day gets better and better. I'm excited about the future, I'm excited about what God is about to do in our lives.......I pray for you sista!!!!
Thanks NY!! It's truly a blessing to know that I am not alone and that there are other sisters in Christ that can understand what I'm feeling. I'm praying for you as well. Reading your post this morning really did something for my spirit. I'm gonna stay in prayer and in the Word. For I know what GOD ordains, HE will maintain!! I truly bless GOD for this board and for you NY.
Jenaee said:
Thanks NY!! It's truly a blessing to know that I am not alone and that there are other sisters in Christ that can understand what I'm feeling. I'm praying for you as well. Reading your post this morning really did something for my spirit. I'm gonna stay in prayer and in the Word. For I know what GOD ordains, HE will maintain!! I truly bless GOD for this board and for you NY.

aww (((hugs)))) girl!!!! Thank you for the prayers. Thank you for your post. I need all I can get. I need God to move and if you and I are anything alike, I know you do to!!!!! I believe God with you. We should keep in touch and just see where God has brought us in a few months. Be Strong!!! My verse right now is Jeramiah 29:11-14 & I Chronicles 29:11-13.

We're still here!! This is just a stepping stone to the next level.