I need an easy style that can hide my bad hairline


Ms. Nobody
im only 5 months into this transition and my hair line is gone. i realized that it was breaking off a while ago and did MY BEST to preserve what i had left but its getting worse.the right side is worse and the hairs there are finer( i found out after texturizing:wallbash:) and i cant even do some decent braids or anythingit looks likehalf peppercorn and a thin braid on the bottom:cry::nono: I would bun my way out of this but im out of my bunning supplies:sad: i only have kids organics shea butter and a few other random conditioners and moisturizers. plus i need to go to bed soon so i cant stay up getting my hair ready for tommorow

I tried putting kinky twists in my hair but they couldnt last a day.I cant stand wearing fake hair(i keep buying it though) help!

ETA all my hair is not breaking off just my hair line. the rest of my hair is the same length. Can someone atell me why this is so? it drives me crazy! and no i dont bun every day
are you by any chance brushing over that area with a brush or small toothed comb to get your NG smooth?
Can you do a twist 'bang' so that it'll hang over the front of your head and hide the hairline?

As far as what is causing it - do you protect your hairline when you are cleaning your face? How do you wear your scarf? Are you giving that part of your hair extra moisture and/or extra protein (depending on what your fine hair needs?)..... are you wearing it pulled/slicked back daily (even if not in a bun?)....
Can you do a twist 'bang' so that it'll hang over the front of your head and hide the hairline?

As far as what is causing it - do you protect your hairline when you are cleaning your face? How do you wear your scarf? Are you giving that part of your hair extra moisture and/or extra protein (depending on what your fine hair needs?)..... are you wearing it pulled/slicked back daily (even if not in a bun?)....

I had the same suggestions/questions that Kiya said.

As for covering it up: the hairstyle in your siggy looks like the curls would cover up your hairline. Do they hang enough to do so?
are you by any chance brushing over that area with a brush or small toothed comb to get your NG smooth?
no i dont wear my buns slick all the time. its just recently ive been bunning.my hair was too short to fit into a bun. but my edges were pretty much gone already.
Can you do a twist 'bang' so that it'll hang over the front of your head and hide the hairline?

As far as what is causing it - do you protect your hairline when you are cleaning your face? How do you wear your scarf? Are you giving that part of your hair extra moisture and/or extra protein (depending on what your fine hair needs?)..... are you wearing it pulled/slicked back daily (even if not in a bun?)....

My hair isnt fine at all. its pretty coarse.(actually it seems less coarse this time around since im not taking any supplements) its just that that side is finer and i had processed it a little more than the other side where the breakage isnt really noticeable. no i dont wear it slicked back. i dont really have one set style right now. my hair isnt long enough for me to feel confortable with one style so i change very often. i usaly wear a head tie loosley or nothing at all.(im not perfect)

I had the same suggestions/questions that Kiya said.

As for covering it up: the hairstyle in your siggy looks like the curls would cover up your hairline. Do they hang enough to do so?
i would do that again but it took too long to dry. maybe if i was doing it in the day time.

the thing is the its only on the sides of my hair line. all the hair in the middle of my hair line is the same as the hair behind it.but from the temples down forget about it. i think i might just wear a hat and call it a day.Man oh man i cant to be natural again:yep:.I could use gel like it was going out of style and i didnt have this problem lol.
TD your making me itch to bc:grin: