I need all you Ladies help..Quick!!


New Member
My daughter's picture of her lovely hair is in my Fotki and I think that I have ruined it. I tried a new perm on her hair and she actually has bald patches in her head now. It is the thinnest at the back of her head where the perm was left on the longest. It's not even breaking her hair, but it actually coming out at the roots:cry3:. I have some CON in the green that I have been using to wash her hair. I then saturate it with Parnevu Extra Conditioning Leave-In Conditioner and comb out with a wide tooth comb I got from Sally's that's always been really good to her hair and mine. After that I oil her scalp with Fantasia's Tea Gro, which has a lot of really good things in it, but also contains a lot of petroleum and mineral oil. Every 3-4 days I take it down and use All Ways Moisturizing Instant Conditioner, which I have mixed with olive oil. Her hair style is basically plaits that I pull up to the top of her head really loosely. Every night she sleeps in satin drawstring sleep cap and every morning I apply more All Ways and use a soft bristle boar brush to keep it looking neat. I'm now going to try to transistion her back to natural cause the perm thing is out of the question now. My two questions are should I be oiling her scalp and all transitioners out there..what are your methods for transitioning, but having hair on your head. Her hair is BSL if she wore a bra and I don't want her to have to lose her length, but at the same time I want her hair and scalp healthy again. Please, please, please help me. God Bless.
man i don't know what to say..except i hope all works out..indians traditionally cut their small childrens hair bald and rubbed cocnut oil everyday for healthier thicker hair to grow and supposedly it works...

I don't know a lot about children's hair but just wanted to send you some good wishes as you transition your daughter's hair.

I don't oil my scalp much and avoid products with mineral oil and petroleum on my scalp (they give me bumps and an allergic reaction). I have used castor oil, coconut oil and also rosemary oil diluted with jojoba oil on my scalp.

Good luck.
I don't know a lot about children's hair but just wanted to send you some good wishes as you transition your daughter's hair.

I don't oil my scalp much and avoid products with mineral oil and petroleum on my scalp (they give me bumps and an allergic reaction). I have used castor oil, coconut oil and also rosemary oil diluted with jojoba oil on my scalp.

Good luck.

Where can you get these oils from online at a decent price?? Thanks for answering in advanced.
What was the name of the perm mama? Had you relaxed her hair before? How long had you been relaxing it?

Don't worry. Her hair will fill in. It sounds like you're treating her hair well right now. I transitioned twice (before deciding to relax again) and I never ended up cutting my hair off. Just give the new growth extra tlc.

ETA: I just looked at your fotki and she's adorable!!
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What was the name of the perm mama? Had you relaxed her hair before? How long had you been relaxing it?

Don't worry. Her hair will fill in. It sounds like you're treating her hair well right now. I transitioned twice (before deciding to relax again) and I never ended up cutting my hair off. Just give the new growth extra tlc.

ETA: I just looked at your fotki and she's adorable!!

Thanks for the compliment on my little Lovey. I used Hawiian Silky. Her hair has been permed for about a year and I was using Precise Regular and her hair was doing just fine as you saw in the pictures.
I bought castor oil and rosemary oil online from http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/. The prices are okay.

I purchased coconut oil from a local health food store. Also, I have purchased castor oil from the CVS drugstore.

I saw you rFotki and your hair is lovely. Luckily I never bone straight permed my Lovey's hair so it still has lot of curl to it. If I stick to my routine with it minus the mineral and petroleum based products, do you think she'll have breakage??
How many times has it been posted on the dangers of perming childrens hair??
Is the scalp damaged sensitive to the touch? If not try NEXXUS HUMECTRESS ON THE HAIR EVERY 4DAYS.
How many times has it been posted on the dangers of perming childrens hair??
Is the scalp damaged sensitive to the touch? If not try NEXXUS HUMECTRESS ON THE HAIR EVERY 4DAYS.

I didn't even know about this website when I first permed my daughter's hair and yes, her scalp is sensitive to touch, but it is forming little ringlets in the patches that were missing.
I didn't even know about this website when I first permed my daughter's hair and yes, her scalp is sensitive to touch, but it is forming little ringlets in the patches that were missing.
Your album password :nono:doesn't work so I can't see:ohwell:
I am glad to hear that there is new hair growing, you could have damaged the scalp or the gland that holds the hair bulb. continue with shampooing and condition the hair and scalp and use oilto the scalp.