I missed my anniversary!!!! :(


Dr. Naptrl :)
I missed my "1 year without a relaxer" anniversary. I had my last relaxer in January 2004! It's February and it just occured to me that It's been that long!!! I'm soo excited. I never thought I would make it this far! Thanks ladies!!! I guess I'll just have to celebrate the BC in August!!! Don't let me forget that one!!! :)
Poohbear said:
When was your "1 year w/o a relaxer" anniversary suppose to be?
I can't remember the exact date, but I'm pretty sure it was January 23rd 2004. Anyway, since it's February now, I know it's been a year since I'm 100% sure that my last relaxer was in January of 2004. Actually, though, my last (professional) relaxer was November of 2003. I started transitioning then, but one day I did my hair and it didn't turn out right, so I got scared! I put a relaxer in that didn't take. It did get a little straighter, none the less,so I use THAT relaxer as my last relaxer. I know the BC (professionally) was Augus 11, 2004, though!! I will never forget THAT day!!
Happy Happy, Joy Joy!

Hmm... you know what I think my anniversary totally blew past me too. I think I had my last texturizer in May of 2003. :lol: Time sure does fly.
naptrl said:
I missed my "1 year without a relaxer" anniversary. I had my last relaxer in January 2004! It's February and it just occured to me that It's been that long!!! I'm soo excited. I never thought I would make it this far! Thanks ladies!!! I guess I'll just have to celebrate the BC in August!!! Don't let me forget that one!!! :)
Happy belated anniversary! I totally understand, though. What's funny is that I did the very same thing, and my last relaxer date is posted in my darn siggie. But I wasn't feeling very celebratory then anyway. Since I still have relaxed ends, I still feel like I'm in limbo. I don't think I will be that excited to celebrate until I actually chop. Then you best believe I will be making a ruckus all over the place.
naptrl said:
I missed my "1 year without a relaxer" anniversary. I had my last relaxer in January 2004! It's February and it just occured to me that It's been that long!!! I'm soo excited. I never thought I would make it this far! Thanks ladies!!! I guess I'll just have to celebrate the BC in August!!! Don't let me forget that one!!! :)
Don't feel bad 'cause my last relaxer was two years ago this past January 27. I hadn't thought about it until early this morning. ;)