I missed my 1 year Natural Annivesary :(


New Member
By a day. Thought it was 4/22 when in fact its 4/21... :( Any way I reached my one year mark. Right now I'm in braids so I will post a pic of me the day of big chop and me at 11 months natural... I'm looking forward to my second year. I hope this time next year I am at least shoulder length. *fingers crossed* I've been slacking on my regimen the past month but its time to get back in the game.


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  • oneyearlater.jpg
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You hair looks fabulous and congratulations! You got a lot of growth from the 11 months since you big chopped. Keep up the good work and get back on the hair game! HHJ!
Thanks everyone for the compliments (hair n make up)... I'm learning great tips on this site. I spent most of the year not knowing what to do, so hopefully my second year will prove to be even more successful. I will definitely update the pics once these braids come out in June. And I'm def getting back on the regimen.