I might have made a mistake!!


New Member
Hi ladies,

Ok, well after 8 months of non perming i took the plunge on Sunday! I got a perm, but i used a "just for me" thinking it would be gentler on my hair, after reading some threads, i see you guys say it might be harsher on hair!! :( I'm a bit scared now. I am keeping my hair moisturized and such, i just need a recommendation for when i would get my next relaxer. I just just for me for a few years in college and it was great on my hair. I guess i'm just so nervous about it being relaxed again!! I would love anyone's input!!
Everything doesn't work for everybody. If Just For Me worked well for you in the past, there's no reason to think it won't work for you now. Baby your hair, the way you normally would, but try not to freak out about it. Stressing over could cause more damage than "harsh" chemicals. Unfortuantely, I know that one from experience.
The PH of Just for Me is higher than alot of other relaxers. Since, it is marketed as a kiddie perm, people assume it is more gentle. Additionally, it is a no-lye relaxer, which may make one's hair susceptible to dryness and calcium buildup. Althogh no-lye is more scalp friendly than lye, lye is more hair friendly if you choose to relax.

If you don't have a problem, then I wouldn't worry. But it is important to have the information.