I Met a Guy Who Knows More About Natural Hair Than We Do!


Well-Known Member
Well, I mean just as much or more! Today, I had a client (black man) come in for a consultation. After the consultation he asked me "So, when did you decide to go natural?, I notice on you're website you're relaxed." Wow! Now, of course my hair could have been straightened too as a natural, but he was right. That's an old pic when it was SL relaxed. So I told him that I did my BC in July, and as I explained that this is my second time going through this journey, why it was my second time, my set backs, etc... he knew exactly what I was talking about! He even stated "You're type 4." I was in awe! He knew about SSKs, stretching, how to combat dryness, detangling and so on.

He even knew about natural hair products like Karen's Body Beautiful and if I mentioned a product, he knew it!!! I asked "Whatchu know about that?" LOL! And I kept saying this. He said when his wife went natural he started doing a lot of research to help her. I thought wow... that is so sweet. I was really impressed. It's nice to see black men doing this and supporting us. He also gave me a card to a salon that sells all natural hair care products.

Do any of you know any men that know as much about natural hair care as we do? I'm still learning and shoot I think I may have to call him if I have a question! :lol:

Just wanted to share and ask the question because I'm telling you, this was my first encounter and I am still amazed!
That is AWESOME!!! My husband is the only male I know that knows a lot about natural hair....from me. Don't bring up the topic in front of him. He'll school you in a heartbeat :lachen:
Wow! Talk about a good support system! That's so sweet of him to take the time to do the research...and actually retain it all.:spinning:
I know right ladies? @Leesh, I asked him if his wife was a member of any hair boards, but I don't think he heard me (or either didn't wanna say). He kept right on talking. LOL!
My BF is the same way. He now knows everything there is to know about natural hair, and since my mom's still relaxed and I do research for her, he knows a lot about that too.

One of his coworkers is a member here, and they got to talking about her hair. He mentioned that she's APL and I was almost there, and she almost fell out her seat :lachen:. Love that man :yep:.
That is AWESOME!!! My husband is the only male I know that knows a lot about natural hair....from me. Don't bring up the topic in front of him. He'll school you in a heartbeat :lachen:

That's beautiful! He's been listening and learning and now HE'S the natural hair guru! :lachen:Love it!
Sounds like my DH. He is always asking me about what I do to my hair so he can advise his co-workers when they ask. For some reason they never ask me when I come around but as soon as I leave they all up in his office.
Nope only guy I know who knows hair like that is applecidder on youtube and we finally got him to join but I haven't seen him post lately
There's a guy in my workplace that cowashes only and his fro is huge. :afro: Yes, in corporate FedEx World Headquarters. I'll see if I can get a pic of him.
I know right ladies? @Leesh, I asked him if his wife was a member of any hair boards, but I don't think he heard me (or either didn't wanna say). He kept right on talking. LOL!

Get out! He probably heard you. For you to ask, meant you were most likely on one, and he knew were the convo would've went from there..
You know what else Leesh? I blurted out "I can't WAIT to tell my girls!" Meaning you all. He ignored that too. LOL!
You know what else Leesh? I blurted out "I can't WAIT to tell my girls!" Meaning you all. He ignored that too. LOL!

So y'all sitting here talking about him right now while he's on this board? :lachen:

Thanks for posting, this, very interesting. I'm sure there are many more out there.
Now that is awesome! I wish I knew a man that knowledgeable, my ex tried to tell me all I needed to do to my hair was wash it (shampoo only) and then put shea butter on it. This guy would be refreshing to say the least.
You know what else Leesh? I blurted out "I can't WAIT to tell my girls!" Meaning you all. He ignored that too. LOL!

Yup see! He ain't want no parts. He's probably in relation to somebody we Kee-Kee with on a regular here. :lachen:
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Lol, I wish mine was like that. Just today I had my hair mixture tools out (some measuring cups and spoons) and I was making a hot oil treatment. This fool walked by with a big sigh and was like, "I miss the days of you just going to the hair salon"


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That is so sweet! My husband hasn't retained a thing since I've been on here, lol.

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@Stormy and @silenttullip, so y'all don't know tkj25 one of the hair veterans of LHCF who not only knows about hair but does his own hair better than many of us can?

There's another guy too, not applecider who's a stylist, but I forget his name coz he hasn't been on LHCF as long as @tkj25 or maybe he was just more of a lurker than poster. So yeah, guys love growing healthy hair too and could teach many of us a thing or two.
That's really cute and sweet that he put forth real effort to learn his wife's new interest and support her. And so is all the SOs spreading information and tips at work (lol)

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thanks nonie:):):) ... and ^^^ yes, we do:) lol ... you've got hair fanatics like myself, those that don't give a dang, & those that are paying-much-more-attention-than-you-may-think ... lol, but i'd agree, it's a rare things for guys to talk hair like that in real life. it should happen more often:grin:
Dude gets mad respect. I would love for a man to be into my hygiene (to a degree) like that. I have a friend whose husband is into her waxing....like the technique, the brand she uses, what she needs to do before and after. I thought it was weird at first, but not so much now.
@Stormy and @silenttullip, so y'all don't know tkj25 one of the hair veterans of LHCF who not only knows about hair but does his own hair better than many of us can?

There's another guy too, not applecider who's a stylist, but I forget his name coz he hasn't been on LHCF as long as @tkj25 or maybe he was just more of a lurker than poster. So yeah, guys love growing healthy hair too and could teach many of us a thing or two.

Nope! I didn't know about them. I do know though that there are plenty of male stylists, but my point is those who aren't stylists and simply know about natural hair just from research and helping their SO. I'm in awe of that. :yep:

This guy even knew about sealing your ends!
Nope! I didn't know about them. I do know though that there are plenty of male stylists, but my point is those who aren't stylists and simply know about natural hair just from research and helping their SO. I'm in awe of that. :yep:

This guy even knew about sealing your ends!

Yeah, tkj25 isn't a stylist (I don't think) but he knows his ish. I don't know if applecider is a stylist, but I don't think so. And you're sure he wasn't any of these two guys Stormy? Did you look at them properly? :giggle: Maybe if you squint and tilt your head it'll come back to you. :lol:
[QUOTE, but i'd agree, it's a rare things for guys to talk hair like that in real life. :grin:[/QUOTE]

Exactly! Especially if they're not trying to grow theirs like this guy isn't.

Your hair looks good btw.
Nonie :lachen:No, this guy has hardly any hair. I think his wife is either a member of a hair board or he is, or maybe both!