I May Have to Exit The Self-Relaxing Club/My New Salon Rules


With Love & Silk
This evening, I self-relaxed for the 2nd time. Self-relaxing is HARD work, especially doing the back sections! It turned out nicely and I did a better job this time at getting my hair straight than I did the last time.

I relaxed one side first then rinsed and neutralized and then did the other side. But still, I am very slow. It seemed like so much work that I actually wouldn't mind coming off the $70 to have someone else do it.

So my little rules if I start going to the salon again are going to be:

*rollersets only--no matter how long it takes
*my trims are my responsibility

These 2 simple rules should save me from what made me stop going to the salon and start self-relaxing in the first place. :yep:
sounds like a good plan. i'm very slow at applying my relaxer too which is why i started going to a stylist earlier this summer (for my relaxers only). i hate going though. i hate having to trust someone else with my hair. i think i may have to ask my sister to apply relaxer for me so that it will go faster.

good luck with everything.
self relaxing was damaging to my hair, i couldn't do the back well and often didn't get the roots back there, in addition my hair got tangled, smart move girl.
After the 2nd time I relaxed my own hair, I also felt defeated. I decided to give it one more try and then I realized that every time that I did it I got better and better.

So basically for me, it was just like every other thing where I had to practice to master it. However, if I could find someone that I trusted to do my relaxers for me I would.

You have a pretty solid plan now, but just remember that in case things don't work-out no one starts out good and fast at self relaxing, and that you can handle it if you really need to.
If I were still relaxed, that's probably the one thing I would continue going to the salon for - but I would also try to have a salon that did rollersets.
You've got a whole lotta hair to work with:) I hope you find someone you can trust. I've had relaxer left in, I've not been based, I've had rough handling. I'm sticking with self relaxing for a while longer.

Please let us know when youdo make the salon visit.
I self-relaxed two months ago (my first time doing it without a weave), and I underprocessed horribly. So for the time being, I'm going to have a professional do my relaxers until I get enough condidence to self-relax again. I can understand where you're coming from, SG, because I have the same rules: when I got a relaxer two weeks ago, I told the hairdresser NO TRIMS and had her do a rollerset, which came out nice (I included a couple of pics of the rollerset in my Fotki.)
I would only go to the salon for a virgin relaxer. That was the hardest for me to do. The touchups are easier because I part my hair in 4 sections. I do those first and my nape last. ITA that practice makes perfect. Supergirl, you have such beautiful and long hair. If it gets too much for u to relax yrself, there is no shame in getting a pro to do it 4 ya.