I May Be Onto Something...


Well-Known Member
I have SD which is a really bad flakey scalp. I low key have no idea how to spell it but it’s just an overgrowth of yeast that feed on the excess sebum my scalp creates. So in order to combat oil on your face you need oil. My face LOVES oil cleansers. So I thought why not do the same for my scalp?

I looked up DIY oil shampoos since the commercial ones have harsh and drying ingredients. I also took into account of bio films and plan to add in natural oils that inhibit the growth (such as oregano oil) as well as a 1:1 ratio of water and ACV as a prepoo to the scalp (ACV breaks up mature biofilms).

Since citric acid (a natural cheating agent) doesn’t mix well with oils I will need to chelate with bentonite clay. Problem is I have no idea if it’s okay to use it midweek even though I’ve already shampood at the beginning of the week. Would this make my hair and scalp dryer over time? Or should I skip the ACV prepoo since I’ll be using it in the bentonite clay?

I also have no problem updating my experiment with washing with oils and cheating with clay to get rid of SD for those who suffer from it. The idea is harsh cleansing agents cause dryness creating excess sebum and the ones not harsh enough cause build up. Oil gets rid of oil and add some ingredients to inhibit biofilms and to wash them away you have the recipe for a great theory of getting rid of your scalp woes