I made it to 8 weeks post!!!!!


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I know this may seem stupid but I am estatic that I have made it very very smoothly to 8 weeks post relaxer!!!!! I only have another 2 weeks to go to reach my goal relax date, which makes 10 weeks! I could never go past 6 without my hair in braids. It's looking so healthy and thick too!! I'm so happy:grin: delirious actually!!!

I think that I could make it past 10 weeks but I have a few graduations to go to at the the end of April and beginning of May so I I want to look my best for those. But hey who knows, I may change my mind and decide I'm not going to relax since my hair is not giving me any trouble at this point. I kind of wish the graduations weren't coming up so that I could just keep going without feeling conflicted, but that's me being selfish:perplexed . Anyway I'll let you ladies know what I decide.

Ooo for those interested here is what has been helping me:
-Dominican wash/set when I want to wear a straight look.
-Messy updos, especially after I co wash and airdry, I got a bunch of cute clips at H&M and some other places.
-S-curl and Wild growth mixed on my edges, this makes my edges so so so soft.
-Biotin cream on my edges
-Not combing through my hair unless the roots are straightened by either the rollerset/blow of roots or by my flat iron.
-Moisture in my hair, mainly my Wild growth.
-Not wrapping my hair very much unless roots are straightened. I wrap for maybe 2-3 days after wash/set/straighten roots, then after that I just stop because my roots start to revert from sweat while I work out or from just moisture in the air.
-Using Sylver2's scarf method when I need everything to lay flat and look sleek.

I honestly never thought I could make to this point without wanting to kill someone to get a relaxer ;) .

Thanks for all of your help ladies, I hope I have the courage to go past 10 weeks.
Good job, i'm happy for you. I was thinking, since you want to stretch your relaxer even longer, why not just get Dominican blowouts for the events you have to go to, or wear your hair wavy or something, if you really want to keep it up.
I'm actually having, or going to have the same dilemna. I'm nearly 4 weeks post relaxer and I want to stretch to 16-17 weeks *it's gonna be hard, but I want to try since i made it to 12 weeks last time* but the thing is I'm going to have to go to my older sister's graduation and maybe my award ceremony and stuff, but these events are in May and June 1st. I don't want to have to get a retouch then, so I'm thinking of just getting a Dominican blowout for those days and just go back to wearing regular protective hairstyles afterwards. Good luck
CarLiTa said:
Good job, i'm happy for you. I was thinking, since you want to stretch your relaxer even longer, why not just get Dominican blowouts for the events you have to go to, or wear your hair wavy or something, if you really want to keep it up.
I'm actually having, or going to have the same dilemna. I'm nearly 4 weeks post relaxer and I want to stretch to 16-17 weeks *it's gonna be hard, but I want to try since i made it to 12 weeks last time* but the thing is I'm going to have to go to my older sister's graduation and maybe my award ceremony and stuff, but these events are in May and June 1st. I don't want to have to get a retouch then, so I'm thinking of just getting a Dominican blowout for those days and just go back to wearing regular protective hairstyles afterwards. Good luck

Thanks girl!! I think I'm going to try to go past 10 weeks if I make through the next 2 weeks without any problems. I actually got my roots blown on friday, and I look like i just got a fresh perm, I really need to take new pics, I'm going to try to work on that tonight.
jaded_faerie said:
Way to go Rabia! Im sure you wouldnt have any problems going beyond 10 weeks, i LOVE your messy updo! :)

Thanks so much:) , I actually have more messy updos where I put all of the hair up I'm going to try to take pictures tonight.
WOW RabiaElaine! Your hair is so nice and healthy! That scarf method is really working for you!!! You have some pretty hair! I can't wait to see more progress!!! :yep:

Hey Rabia!

Congrats!! No, it's not stupid, because I feel the same! :grin: I'm at eight weeks too! I plan to relax in 2 more weeks also. My hair is short too and your short styles have been helpin' me out!!! Thanx!!! My new growth is like whoa, and I'm frequently having to find ways to moisturize it. HHG!
Congrats to you Rabia! I'm at 9 1/2 weeks and initially was trying to stretch to 10. We'll see how I feel this weekend. If I can stretch it farther, I will. I love playing with the new growth, but long for straight hair. Thank God for conditioner washes!
I know it is hard. The most I made it the first time I stretched was 8 weeks. Now I am at 9 1/2 weeks..I am aiming for 12 weeks. This would be the longest I ever went.
YAY!!! Congrats
Doesn't it feel good to accomplish a hair goal.
It does get easier the longer you stretch, cause you start finding different and better ways to wash, condition and protect your hair.
Somedays you do feel you want to end it all and just relax..lol, but if your not a fussy person about your styles, I know from your great dos then u can definately stretch longer if u want.
Congratulations!!! It always feels good to reach that first milestone. Just keep in mind it does get easier each time you do the stretch. Work it girl!!!!!
sweetpeadst said:
Girl I like your hair up with the clip what do you do to make the style so pretty?

Thanks Sweetpeadst!!! I just pull the top up with no particular neatness or smoothing to it, I just rake it up with my fingers and place the clip in th back and leave it. I don't pull it tightly either which give it that loose messy look.
CONGRATS!!! Since I consider you my hair twin, I should share that I too have made it past the mark. I too found that mixing S-curl with WGO & B&B Oil Moisturizer is sustaining me. I wear my hair in the same style every day, a part in the middle & a ponytail and I keep the scarf on unless I am outside my apt.
bajanplums1 said:
CONGRATS!!! Since I consider you my hair twin, I should share that I too have made it past the mark. I too found that mixing S-curl with WGO & B&B Oil Moisturizer is sustaining me. I wear my hair in the same style every day, a part in the middle & a ponytail and I keep the scarf on unless I am outside my apt.

Congrats to you too Bajan:D !!!! That S-curl, WGO mix is working magic for my edges which is where I have the most trouble. The middle of my head is ok for now because I had my hair rollerset and the roots blown or flat ironed so it's straight and I'm not having any issues there. I'm so happy for you !!!! How much longer are you going to stretch?? Is this your first stretch to 8 weeks?
Looking good girl!!!!!!! I looked at your updates!! SO what exactly is your regimen! I strecthing to 12 weeks (I think I can do it b/c my hairdresser flat irons my hair so it looks like a domincan blowout). I intend to go to her once a week and conditioner wash 3 days later with Nioxxn Smoothing Scalp therapy!!!!! Also I was wondering about you and the WGO and S-curl how are you using this?? (SORRY about all the quesions)
sweetpeadst said:
Looking good girl!!!!!!! I looked at your updates!! SO what exactly is your regimen! I strecthing to 12 weeks (I think I can do it b/c my hairdresser flat irons my hair so it looks like a domincan blowout). I intend to go to her once a week and conditioner wash 3 days later with Nioxxn Smoothing Scalp therapy!!!!! Also I was wondering about you and the WGO and S-curl how are you using this?? (SORRY about all the quesions)

Thanks girl!!

Here is my regimen...
- I go to the dominican salon for a wash/set once per week usually either thursday, friday, or sunday.
-I wash and give myself protein treatments in the middle of the week, either Keraphix, or Bone Marrow.
-I cowash the next day or the day after.
-Then to the salon again for a wash/set.
-I use a mix of wild growth and s-curl on my edges, this keeps them super soft and moisturized, I apply 2 times ber day.
-I apply wild growth to the length of the hair, just a few drops 1-2x per day especially the ends.
-I've been wearing my hair up in a messy updo (I will be posting pictures soon) the 3-4th day after the salon wash, and everytime after I wash or cowash at home because I airdry (I can't rollerset my hair with all of this growth, at least not like they can at my salon, so I don't even try anymore).

That's pretty much it!! Ofcourse I cover my head at night with a satin scarf and use satin pillowcases too.
Does the S-curl and WGO revert from the blowout? What is the ratio of s-curl and wgo? So what actually do you consider mid week? To get this straight you get your hair done on either Thursday, Friday or Sunday: Wash Mid week which to me is Wednesday and wash again after that so that means that you wash the day b4 you get your hair washed?????
sweetpeadst said:
Does the S-curl and WGO revert from the blowout? What is the ratio of s-curl and wgo? So what actually do you consider mid week? To get this straight you get your hair done on either Thursday, Friday or Sunday: Wash Mid week which to me is Wednesday and wash again after that so that means that you wash the day b4 you get your hair washed?????

Hi Sweetpeadst,

So I only put it on my edges so that it can soften that area which isn't straight anyway, I don't let them blow that because that hair isn't as strong. It the combination makes it lie down better for me as opposed to having little beedy-bees back there. I don't use too much i squirt a little s-curl and a drop of wild growth on my finger, and massage it into the edges at the back. Then I do the same for the front.

Midweek for me is either tuesday or wednesday. I would wash (using Creme of Nature because it's gentle) today and give myself a protein treatment.
Then do conditioner wash the next day. Then go to the salon the next day or the day after that, because I want my hair straight for the weekend or the beginning of the week.
Ok! I get you now! I will be washing my hair most likely like you! I need to know about your phony pony! I may steal your style! I think I will be purchasing a bun and a pony! So give me all the logiistics on it!!!!
sweetpeadst said:
Ok! I get you now! I will be washing my hair most likely like you! I need to know about your phony pony! I may steal your style! I think I will be purchasing a bun and a pony! So give me all the logiistics on it!!!!

I should point out that the day that I decide to wash and give protein treatment depends on if I'm having breakage or shedding, which indicates to me that my hair needs water.

I got my phony pony from www.phonyponies.com. The bun that I made I got clip in hair pieces from www.especiallyyours.com . I just placed the clipin pieces in the middle of my hair and pulled the hair into a ponytail, then fashioned into a plain bun.

Let me know if you have any questions.
RabiaElaine said:
I should point out that the day that I decide to wash and give protein treatment depends on if I'm having breakage or shedding, which indicates to me that my hair needs water.

I got my phony pony from www.phonyponies.com. The bun that I made I got clip in hair pieces from www.especiallyyours.com . I just placed the clipin pieces in the middle of my hair and pulled the hair into a ponytail, then fashioned into a plain bun.

Let me know if you have any questions.

You made one how did you do that??
sweetpeadst said:
You made one how did you do that??

You clip tracks of hair into the middle of your head but make sure it can't be seen. Pull your hair plus the tracks hair into a ponytail then just pin the ponytail into a bun.

RabiaElaine said:
You clip tracks of hair into the middle of your head but make sure it can't be seen. Pull your hair plus the tracks hair into a ponytail then just pin the ponytail into a bun.


That's cool I'll try it!