I made AP Length


Well-Known Member
YAY! I am so surprised. I decided on a whim to take some pictures to see how much further I have to go to APL. Imagine my surprised when I saw the pictures.
I am 12 week post and decided to stretch a few weeks more but wanted to see my progress.

Sorry about the space in the middle of the ends and the state of my hair. My hair was up in 2 twists and I just casually took them down and finger combed them out before taking the picture. I also need to wash it. Now I cant wait until I relax. My new growth is out of control.
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YAY! I am so surprised. I decided on a whim to take some pictures to see how much further I have to go to APL. Imagine my surprised when I saw the pictures.
I am 12 week post and decided to stretch a few weeks more but wanted to see my progress.

Sorry about the space in the middle of the ends and the state of my hair. My hair was up in 2 twists and I just casually took them down and finger combed them out before taking the picture. Now I cant wait until I relax. My new growth is out of control.

Yes, you are! But just wait till' you relax; it would be flawless.:grin:
YAY! I am so surprised. I decided on a whim to take some pictures to see how much further I have to go to APL. Imagine my surprised when I saw the pictures.
I am 12 week post and decided to stretch a few weeks more but wanted to see my progress.

Sorry about the space in the middle of the ends and the state of my hair. My hair was up in 2 twists and I just casually took them down and finger combed them out before taking the picture. I also need to wash it. Now I cant wait until I relax. My new growth is out of control.

I don't want to rain on your parade MadamDot, but you are not quite APL just yet. :ohwell:

A progess pic from this angle is quite deceiving. I've gotten played myself. Because your arms are over your head, your arm pits are lifted higher than normal, so your hair looks like its APL. I thought I was APL until I double checked and saw I more like 2 inches away :perplexed

I'm sure you'll get to APL fast! Happy growing! :)
IA ur close tho I would suggest doing the scarf method by wraping a scarf or towel around urself under ur arms and see if it touches
IA ur close tho I would suggest doing the scarf method by wraping a scarf or towel around urself under ur arms and see if it touches

:lachen: I didnt know this was the APL method. I am not near anything like that right now (towels etc) . . . but it's not that important. As I said my hair was twisted up so obviously not straight (I am doing the low manipulation thing). I will probably just wait until I get a touch up and get my husband to take a photo.
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I don't want to rain on your parade MadamDot, but you are not quite APL just yet. :ohwell:

A progess pic from this angle is quite deceiving. I've gotten played myself. Because your arms are over your head, your arm pits are lifted higher than normal, so your hair looks like its APL. I thought I was APL until I double checked and saw I more like 2 inches away :perplexed

I'm sure you'll get to APL fast! Happy growing! :)

I was going to post something similar to this.

I'm not trying to get you down Madamdot, but taking a picture with both your arms lifted will give you false results.

Don't worry...you will be at APL in no time. ;)
I was going to post something similar to this.

I'm not trying to get you down Madamdot, but taking a picture with both your arms lifted will give you false results.

Don't worry...you will be at APL in no time. ;)

I'll have to remember this! APL is my goal!
Madamdot... ur hair is pretty!
Thanks ladies for encouraging me and letting me know about the measurement. I promise I will take pictures after my touch-up to confirm or deny. That way it wont be greasy (as it is right now . . . sorry was too excited to share), and it will be straight . . . I dont really straighten my hair unless its a touch up to lessen heat and works with the low manipualtion. I also like it curly.

Just wanted to thank you lovely ladies here for helping me get from a super short cut a couple of years ago. :grin:
I can't really tell if you are there or not in the pic but congrats anyway. I have finally reached my 1st goal. It took a year. Now if I could only get my daughters to stick to my hair regime so there hair will grow as well as mines have. They just can't stick to covering their hair at night!

Sorry for such a big pic. For some reason, I can't resize pictures when writing in the threads. How do you do that? :spinning:
YAY! I am so surprised. I decided on a whim to take some pictures to see how much further I have to go to APL. Imagine my surprised when I saw the pictures.
I am 12 week post and decided to stretch a few weeks more but wanted to see my progress.

Sorry about the space in the middle of the ends and the state of my hair. My hair was up in 2 twists and I just casually took them down and finger combed them out before taking the picture. I also need to wash it. Now I cant wait until I relax. My new growth is out of control.

Yes, you did, sweetie!! Yes, you did!! :worship2::clapping::congrats::trophy:

Just wait: when you finally do relax, you'll be BELOW APL!!! :yay::yay:
I'm all for congratulating but, take the picture with one hand while the other is down by your side, you just may be APL but the right now it don't look like it.. Also after your touch-up you will get a more accurate measurement in which you maybe APL....