I made a wig stand!


Well-Known Member
I made a wig stand = $0

Items I used: 2 plastic grocery bags, old newspapers/magazine pages, packaging tape, empty Quaker oatmeal container.
Instructional video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7W6IHPj8DQ

& Improvised...
-I filled a grocery bag instead of the small plastic bag the video maker used 1st.
-Packaging tape because I don't have duct tape!
-Instead of the cylinder cardboard I used an empty Quaker oats container

The 'head' of the stand isn't as perfect as hers but it still fits my wig pretty well! I am so pleased that I saved a lil cash. And it only took me 5 minutes... if even that!

I recommend this tutorial for ladies who are like me... new to wigs or are experimenting with wigs to see if it's for them. I'm not sure if I want to invest a lot in my 2 wigs because they aren't top of the line... plus I'm still learning how to take care of them. Who knows if I'll continue to buy wigs in the future, so why not save a few bucks incase I don't?

Unfortunately, I left my camera in my dorm. But it looks basically like the one in the video except different colors and the quaker oats guy. :grin:
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Thanks for sharing. I don't have any wigs, but if I ever do get one I'll know how to make a stand for it. Good looking out. :)