I made a fotki..


New Member
Hi all, I am new to here, I been lurking since about August and signed up in Sept. I am very encouraged by all you women with beautiful healthy hair. The length does not matter to me nor if you are relaxed or natural...beautiful hair is beautiful hair:yep:. I never really had damaged hair but since having my daughter last year, my hair started to shed so badly and it really thinned my hair out:sad:. I usually have very thick hair. So I had it cut into a bob with bangs and I let the bangs grow out and I have been rocking it ever since. I decided that I wanted to grow my hair back long again, so I am not going to cut it anymore. I am also going to concentrate of thicken it back up, which is happening very nicely now. I am going to wash and dc once a week with a rollerset( don't have much more time in the week to wash more than once)..Invite everyone to look at my fotki and any suggestions will be welcome. :yawn:
Welcome girl and your hair is beautiful. I think the key is to not do too much to your hair. Did you ever try castor oil to seal your ends.
Welcome girl and your hair is beautiful. I think the key is to not do too much to your hair. Did you ever try castor oil to seal your ends.

No I have never tried castor oil, is it the one that you find at a drugstore? and thanks for the compliment...
:welcome3: I like your fotki, good job! Your hair is growing nicely and I love the color:).

THanks ... I love the color too but I probably won't be color for alittle while, I'll let that be my marker to see how my hair is growing and then I will color again in January of Feb.:yawn:
Welcome! I didn't get to leave a comment, I'm not signed in to my fotki, but your hair has such beautiful shine. You're definitely doing something right!