I made a darn salon appointment


New Member
I've been a self relaxer for years and since i joined LHCF my hair has slowly made improvement. I'm at the point where my hair is just touching my shoulders and this is amazing to me:blush:! So now im scared to screw it up with a home relaxer so I bit the bullet & made a salon appointment.

This was a tough decision because it goes against everything I told myself ( I can master it, save money, get the same results ect ect). But I don't get the same results:nono:. My hair is getting unruly, its thick, nappy as all heck at the crown, underprocessed in some places & over processed in others....Its too risky.
The appointment might not be soooo bad. If all goes well, your hair will come out nice and with techniques from this website, you can stretch longer before a touch-up. Hence, less money spent than if you were retouching every 6-8 wks.:yep:
Do what you gotta do. I have self relaxed in the past and not been able to get as good results as the salon. If you think you can get better results at the salon go for it - and don't be too hard on your self. As your hair gets longer its probably harder for you to do your touch ups. Good luck!
i just had my first salon visit since becoming a member here this week. the ladies helped me quite a bit in dealing with it afterwards. i am deep cond-ing now and my hair is lovely!
You can use what you've learned here to ask all the questions you need to and to speak up for yourself to make sure everything goes exactly to your prescription:grin:.
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The appointment might not be soooo bad. If all goes well, your hair will come out nice and with techniques from this website, you can stretch longer before a touch-up. Hence, less money spent than if you were retouching every 6-8 wks.:yep:
I hope your right!:)
Do what you gotta do. I have self relaxed in the past and not been able to get as good results as the salon. If you think you can get better results at the salon go for it - and don't be too hard on your self. As your hair gets longer its probably harder for you to do your touch ups. Good luck!
Thanks. I want to see if I'm missing something, this will be like a tutorial, I will be taking notes.
i just had my first salon visit since becoming a member here this week. the ladies helped me quite a bit in dealing with it afterwards. i am deep cond-ing now and my hair is lovely!
It sure it ..looks nice n healthy in your siggy.:)
If you haven't gone to this particular salon before or it's been a very long time since you've been, I would go in for a consultation first so that you can express your personal needs, preferences and goals with respect to your hair. This can be a way to ensure that you and your stylist meet eye to eye and it can prevent any future disappointments. It would also give you an opportunity to learn how the stylist(s) relaxes hair and there haircare beliefs/practices. For example, do they overlap? Do they believe in relaxing bone straight or not? What type of products do they use? And other related questions. Anyhow, Good luck!
If you haven't gone to this particular salon before or it's been a very long time since you've been, I would go in for a consultation first so that you can express your personal needs, preferences and goals with respect to your hair. This can be a way to ensure that you and your stylist meet eye to eye and it can prevent any future disappointments. It would also give you an opportunity to learn how the stylist(s) relaxes hair and there haircare beliefs/practices. For example, do they overlap? Do they believe in relaxing bone straight or not? What type of products do they use? And other related questions. Anyhow, Good luck!
I didn't even think of that. those are good questions to ask. We will def have a talk before she does anything.:yep:
Good thread. I'm considering making an appt for my next touch-up as well :ohwell:. I have another month to mull it over...