I made a big mistake, hope it doesn't cause a setback...


Well-Known Member
So I relaxed my hair last night and decided to mix some conditioners for my DC. I mixed HE LTR, Lustrasilk shea butter cholesterol and aussie moist with castor oil. So I noticed the mixture was a little thinner than normal but I thought nothing of it. I sat under the dryer for 30 minutes then rinsed and was going to do a final cowash with the HE LTR when I realized it was shampoo instead of conditioner. I DC'D FOR 30 MINS WITH HEAT WITH SHAMPOO!!! :wallbash: I am so mad at myself but my hair seems fine so far. I DC'd after that with plain conditioner to try to combat the effects of baking shampoo in my hair. Do you ladies think this will cause lasting damage? It was probably a 2 tablespoons of shampoo to 1/2 cup of conditioner and castor oil.
i dont think it will do any damage as long as you watch your hair...i would suggest doing a serious moisture D/C and not shampoo too soon.
You'll be fine. My daughter got my keracare shampoo and conditioners mixed up. She conditioned with shampoo and her hair was fine. The shampoo and conditioner was the kind in the bottle. Shampoo is not a scary thing. Lol
You'll be fine.

1. It's just shampoo. Nothing that can build up on you, and nothing that can eat your hair away or anything of the like.

2. You had a lot of conditioner and oil in your hair at the same time. Most likely what happened is that you gave yourself a very conditioning, gentle wash.

How did your hair come out? I can't imagine that it would be very dry. Probably not as nice as usual, but not THAT bad.

Just DC again without shampoo :)

haha I make silly mistakes too sometimes,
last wash, I rinsed out Roux PC with scalding hot water forgetting that it needs cold/warm water oops lol
No worries, I'm sure your hair won't suffer for it...
How did your hair come out? I can't imagine that it would be very dry. Probably not as nice as usual, but not THAT bad.

It's funny because my hair is very soft and has a lot of bounce and shine. But this was also my first time using Chi. Who knows, maybe I'm onto something...lol! Thanks ladies!
I did this by accident one time, too. I happened to have been drinking a little and needed to wash my hair but it came out fine. I wouldn't worry.I had no side effects from it.
BTW, your siggy shows nice progress! Especially the thickness!! :yep:
Ma, I was just getting ready to say this. It was the Keracare detangling shampoo and I actually liked it better than the conditioner. :yep:

You'll be fine. My daughter got my keracare shampoo and conditioners mixed up. She conditioned with shampoo and her hair was fine. The shampoo and conditioner was the kind in the bottle. Shampoo is not a scary thing. Lol