I"m so confused...does breakage mean you need protein or moisture?


Well-Known Member
I"m not sure. I've been rotating between Emergencee and doing deep conditioning. I find that i have short pieces of hair on top. SHould i do a heavy protein like Aphogee or should I just try and moisturize. I"m not sure what to do??? OR is it new growth??? HOw do I know???
It could be either or the way you comb or style your hair. There are so many factors to breakage. :confused:
kia said:
I"m not sure. I've been rotating between Emergencee and doing deep conditioning. I find that i have short pieces of hair on top. SHould i do a heavy protein like Aphogee or should I just try and moisturize. I"m not sure what to do??? OR is it new growth??? HOw do I know???

How many weeks post relaxer are you? Are you still breaking?

I would go with a hard core protein treatment to stop the breakage(QP Breakage Control Serum, Aphogee, etc.) Then, deep condition with a good moisturizing deep conditioner (with a penetrating warm oil like evoo added)

If your breakage has stopped, rotate with a good reconstructor for several weeks.

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kia said:
I"m not sure. I've been rotating between Emergencee and doing deep conditioning. I find that i have short pieces of hair on top. SHould i do a heavy protein like Aphogee or should I just try and moisturize. I"m not sure what to do??? OR is it new growth??? HOw do I know???

Consider the history of your hair. When did it start breaking or when did you start noticing it? What things have you done to your hair (chemical processes such as relaxing or coloring) before you started noticing breakage? Have you changed your regimine at all since the last you remember not seeing breakage? What products have you been using? What styling methods? Have you been using heat more? Have you been wearing any high stress styles to the area of breakage?

The key is pin pointing the cause of the damage whether it be over processed hair, not conditioning enough, or too much use of heat, stressful hair styles , or maybe a combination of one or more things where you may need to change your method of handling your hair on top of deep conditioning and treatments. Once you understand that, you can start implementing various changes to help get your hair back in tip top shape :-D
Hair will break if it is dry (needs moisture), just like brittle rose petals. Hair will break if it is damaged (needs protein).

I think you should do a protein treatment followed by a deep moisturizing treatment if you cannot figure out if your hair is simply dried out--not moisturizing your hair regularly via conditioners, leave ins and daily products or damaged--too much heat, chemicals.

but i agree, you have to consider what have you been doing to your hair?
Maybe you are doing too much protein? This happened to me. Whenever I saw breakage, I did a protein treatment (Aphogee, Elasta, or Motions CPR), and then more breakage followed. The cycle continued for like two months. I got tired of it and put my hair in braids. I kept them in for 3 months, contstantly moisturizing. Now that they're out, I have no breakage whatsoever. How often are you using Emergencee?

Like the ladies said above it could be many things. Also if your hair is chemically processed, your hair could be breaking at the demarcation line where your new growth meets your chemically processed hair.

The new growth (natural hair) is stronger than the chemically processed hair and so depending on manipulation (eg braids) the hair breaks a lot easier at that point.

If your hair is just dry then a moisture treatment (deep conditioner) is what you need. If it's weak but not dry then you would need protein to strengthen the hair, however a protein treatment should always be followed up with a moisture treatment as protein dries the hair.

onepraying said:
How many weeks post relaxer are you? Are you still breaking?

I would go with a hard core protein treatment to stop the breakage(QP Breakage Control Serum, Aphogee, etc.) Then, deep condition with a good moisturizing deep conditioner (with a penetrating warm oil like evoo added)

If your breakage has stopped, rotate with a good reconstructor for several weeks.

i didnt know elasta qp breakage control serum was a hardcore protein treatment...i thought it was a light protein treatment!:look:
Kia also remember that hair is in all types of growing phases. You may very well have shorter pieces of hair but that doesn't mean that it is breakage. It could be new hair that came when you relaxed that is why you are seeing it. I have shorter pieces of hair throughout my head but I only worry about breakage if I see a section (like 10 hairs) that appear to have suffered from breakage. If you are taking care of your hair and being very careful when you comb it, then it may not be breakage.
Protein. It adds strength to the hair, and moisture helps to combat dryness. I do a protein reconstructor once a week and follow with a moisturizing conditoner. Sometimes using protein can cause the hair to be brittle if you don't follow with moisture.