I Luh God By Erica Campbell...godly Or Godless?


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all.

If you guys don't know, I love Erica Campbell's music and enjoy modern R'B or hip hop gospel.

I know everyone doesn't agree with rap or hip hop gospel :arguing: but I don't see anything wrong with it as long as it glorifies God. What do you guys think about this song, .

All opinions welcome.
Whether I agree with rap or not, I just want 'YOU' to continue sharing with us. I promise to listen to the song later tonight. I just wanted to thank and to encourage you to continue sharing with us. Okay?

No problem. I like posting in this forum but replies can be slow at times.

I'm glad you like posting here and I can't help but :lol: at 'replies can be slow at times' :lol:

That's true but 'we're' faithful. :yep: :pray: :pray:

I did listen to the video and the message she's sharing is real, she loves God and you can't go wrong with that.

Question: What is 'Black Twitter'? Don't stone me, it the 'non-rap' in me. :lol:

God bless you @NICOLETHENUMBERONE and you too @ag00. I'm glad the two of you are here sharing.

Wow really. I do not like Mary Mary, I like some of the old songs they put out years ago, but after seeing who they are and what they are about. I would not support them and their vision. They say the right words in some situations to make it seem like they are walking with God but they are far from it. Everything about Erica is not a woman who reflects the love of God, she has an outfit on that is inappropriate for a woman who is walking Godly, Her out fit reflects that she is a woman of the world. Thigh high boots, short dress that outlines her breast and shows her shape. Really, People want to walk with the world and have the Lord in their back pocket and other folks think because they say the LORD here and there that they are walking with God but they are far from it. He has said they cry LORD,LORD, he will tell them to go on, he knows them not. I have no ideal who you are, you weren't worshiping me, you were worshiping your other God, but it sure isn't me. I have standards, which I have given you, so you have no excuse and that applies to all Christians if we confess with out mouth that Jesus is Lord we put away the old life, Which means we study and learn how to please God and not the world, Erica is pleasing the world, that is where the money is. That is where she will get her praise. I remember an show where they were worried if they were going to get a Grammy or not. I was shocked, I think it was the first show I saw I heard how they were struggling with a new song and if it was going to be a hit or not. I might have seen one season, I highly doubt, when I realize that I was totally not interested in these woman and that they are to caught up in whats happening in the world not about saving souls.

Just because a person says lord doesn't mean it gives God any praise at all, its a combination of things. Rap is something that does not bring glory to God even if it is sung with the lords name throughout. In my opinion, its a distraction. See I am going to do this right here and say the Lords name and see if I can get away with it. It could not possibly move the holy spirit, who is all about what is holy to God to touch peoples heart. But Satan will get much praise after all it was his ideal, Anything holy that is pleasing to God he finds a way to counteract or counterfeit it.

I was watching a video someone sent me an I could not believe it. In the Church, I despise praise dancing but never really thought about why, since I use to love it, but since I have drawn closer to God it disgust me, I absolutely hate it and was glad they stopped doing it for so long at service. But this takes the cake and no one stopped it and gave them praise for the foolishness.
I wouldn't buy the song but I'd listen to it on the radio. It's a good energy song to work to.

As far as the outfit I think it is a fail but it doesn't have me clutching my pearls. The dress is short so they tried to cover skin with ugly thigh high boots. She really isn't showing that much skin. The outfit isn't working but then again I don't think she is immodest it just think that the outfit is too young for her.
it does sound worldly, should we be concerned about the content and not the package?

I'm concerned about artists in their attempt to reach the 'world' that they act and sound like the world, imo this waters down the gospel and sends a false message...if we lift him up, he will draw all men unto him.

I think there is two types of gospel music- worship and daily. This song doesn't put me in the frame of mind of contemplative worship but it has the beat that would help me clean and vacuum my house with a pep in my step. I'd rather play something like this with words that are in line with my spirituality that listen to secular music with questionable lyrics.

As far as the sexy praise dance they mothers of the church should have found better outfits for the girls or put them in an obvious leotard. I don't think the girls were sans bra or that their underwear were actually showing- I think they had something under the dresses that didn't translate well as dance wear. But the actual dance itself wasn't sexy or sexual to me.
I just watch the dance video and it's definitely inappropriate in and out of Church.

The gentleman's commentary was on point. I hope 'dancers' are listening.
@blazingthru, how are you doing Angel? It's good to see you posting, it's needed here.

While I am not a fan of Mary Mary or rap music, I do not want to discourage our sisters (and brothers) in Christ who do like it.

With so much hitting against each of us as Christians (no matter what our denominations are), we need to lay aside our disagreements and come closer together. We're being attacked from the world on all points and sides. We simply cannot afford to be separated as Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

I just don't want to fuss and fight anymore, I'm tired. I'm just plain tired. I'm tired of fighting with my sisters in Christ for the smallest issues.

For those who like the rap video in the OP, it's okay. They still love God and want Jesus.

For those of us who do not like the rap music video, it's okay. We still love God and want Jesus.

God will do the sifting. In the meantime I need the strength of all of my sisters. The outside battle is against all of us. My heart from each of you will not be divided. We need each other to stay strong.


BTW: So glad you made us aware of that dance video. Now that is a mess indeed. :mad:
As usual, legalism destroys. It might be difficult to make a righteous call of judgment against the actions of another if you rely so heavily upon personal preference and legalistic viewpoint. There is a dangerous zone to cross over into that belongs to G-d alone and that is the intent of the heart. It is not ours to decide. With all due respect, that video has nothing to do with Erica Campbell and is a cheap attempt to demonize her based upon the ill costume and choreography choices of a religious dance team. Yes, we're called to modesty. We're also called to righteous judgment. They're not out there prostituting themselves, which would be an easy call to say that someone is not living right. But once someone says he knows what is in the heart of even a prostitute, one has overstepped.

Op, I wanted to come back because I thought about this post for while, I actually found a youtube message on this very topic. Sometimes I can be over the top when I am trying to say something, like I am answering one question with 52 paragraphs, sorry about that. I am not argumentative, but I have a desire in me to want to know everything, I guess and I tend to tell it all when all of it is not needed. But this is serious, the music industry is something to be very careful about. It seems to me that I have always known it. I grew up in the Church and my first church,very Old baptist, the men sang there was no piano or drums, in fact I didn't see drums in the church until 2009. They just sang and it had its own harmony, it was very nice. When i first heard Stomp I was shocked, Well my parents were shocked when the Clark sisters was singing to Jazz music, which was not consider music for the Christian person, you had to go to a juke joint somewhere off somewhere to listen to Jazz and now its every where including the church. HipHop music, Rock, Metal, Rap etc., can never be Christian music.
But its widely accepted in the Church now.

I am including some videos to watch. It will open your mind to whats really going on with the music and its role in Christianity. If you choose to view them.

Right now its time to see whats going on. Folks are totally blind and being deceived because they do not spend the time to see whats really going on. Everything is accepted even though they know it wasn't accepted 10 years ago.

Thanks for your opinions. I watched The Truth Behind Hip Hop with Craig G. Lewis years ago and was floored. I talked about it with my friend and felt convicted, actually felt the presence of God watching the movie with my mom. Then I talked to my friend about it and she gave me all these reasons why this man was wrong and even this young man who I thought was more devout than I did, disparaged the video. God later brought me to the truth and that is why I don't listen to much secular music today.

It's powerful, music is. Music can effect our lives in ways unknown and I feel as if we should support Christians that don't necessarily want to listen to Erica Campbell or other forms of gospel. It's a scripture in the bible that talks about this, not doing certain things out of respect for another Christian's belief. I drink kosher wine for communion and in certain circumstances, will enjoy wine in a respectful manner/form. But...if my friend believes that drinking alcohol is wrong, then I won't have any alcohol if I have dinner with her. It's not that big of a deal for me to possibly deter someone else from doing what they believe is best for them to glorify God. That's what I feel some of the Christians are saying about "I luh God,"; that it reminds them of the world and their old sinful lifestyle. Everyone is different and for me, the song doesn't persuade me to sin but I wouldn't just think of myself but also how it can effect others who may not feel the same way. I think that we should be able to balance between enjoying a song but willing to not listen to a song or certain music when around other Christians who deem it as sinful, offensive, etc.
After viewing those videos, I walked away from everything, I listen to hymns with the harp or the piano or just the music, no singing. but I love just the singing. I learned to love it. I didn't at first, because your use to what your use to, its not easy to adjust to something way new but I have done. As a matter of fact, I don't watch television either, perhaps an hour a week. At this point, its better to walk away from all of it. Walking away from tv was hard at first, but after a while it was extremely easy. I watch programs on my tablet, I control what I watch. but I fell in love with ministry and so its 98% of what I watch unless I am looking at youtube videos about this or that. Whats amazing is my daughter she is 21 she is changing right along with me. She does not live with me or even in the same state, but both my daughters come and visit me almost every other Sunday and I am watching my ministry Jeremiah Davis, or Dwyan Lemon on youtube, because they are my age preaching the word like I never heard it before anyway they are on 247 and affecting my youngest daughter. I am over the moon, she started studying. At first to prove me wrong which is great, my sister too, but she fell off the wagon. As long as they are trying to study that is what counts. Those videos may not affect most but my prayer is they affect some.
If this song represents the spiritual maturity of the average believer - we are in a sad state of affairs. To think that we have to drop down to a ghetto level to appeal to the Christian audience is pretty pathetic.

I just hate that it's so catchy. If I hear it by chance I'm singing it in my head for the rest of the day. :badgirl::lachen:
Personally, I don't like this style of Christian music. I do think music (not including the lyrics but the beat) can be demonic. Not all noise is joyful unto the Lord. I won't judge whether this is or not, but personally, it does not appeal to me. It doesn't make me want to raise my hands in praise.

I prefer to listen to sacred music (masses composed by Bach, Mozart, Palestrina, desPrez, Schubert, etc), Gregorian chant and modern Christian artists (Jesus Culture, Kari Jobe, Hillsong, Matt Maher, Chris Tomlin, etc). Those are my primary Pandora stations.