I love this forum!!


Active Member
Hi ladies. I'm new to the forum and have learned so much!! I overdosed on the forum for the first few days--it's very addicting. The biggest thing I learned was that hard water is bad for your hair. So I went and bought bottled water, washed my hair with it and now can't stop touching my hair.
I didn't want to even think about touching my hair a week ago. I always look at other women's hair and yearn to have hair like theirs--how do they get it so shiny, how do they get it so long, how do they get their style to look so perfect?-- Now I know some of their secrets. I'm looking forward to learning more about proper haircare. Thanks ladies!!!

BTW, I have relaxed 4a/4b hair that is a little past my shoulders which may not matter since it's so damaged and may have to get cut off.
Welcome to the forum Lea
you will find lots of help and great advice
glad that you have your first bout of "hand in hair disease"
it's really nice when you love your hair
I just had to bump this topic back up. There's been a LOT of drama going on with another board Im a member of that makes me Love this one even more. Too many "know it alls", and "hair experts" that actually know no more about hair than I do. I dont consider myself and expert at all....im still learning. Just glad I ALWAYS have a place to come that has a common focus without all the drama.....LHCF I bow down to you!!!
Welcome Lea5!!

I've been here a little over a week myself and I TOTALLY can understand how you feel! It's a great forum!
Welcome Lea5 and LaNecia!

I joined 7 months ago and I'm still addicted! I've learned so much here and I just love how my hair has grown and become so healthy-looking. Lea5 - you may not need to cut off any of your hair. There may be some great tips you can use to greatly improve your hair so you can keep your length.