i love the summer but my hair hates it..now what?


i tried searching for threads on this issue but the function is still not working for me so please pardon if this is a repeat thread

it has been very hot and humid and my hair looks like crap. compound the weather with the fact that i work out 4-5d a week AND by nature i am a easy sweater on the head and neck area. so baslcally my hair looks like CRAP from the sweating, humdity and heat

my curls are very frizzy, (not dry because i moisturize daily) and my hairline just looks like cotton. i tried every gel to make the hairline lay down and it doesn't. and it is hard to keep the curls defined because of the weather.

is there anything i can do to make my life easier? my hair never likes summer and i noticed on saturday when i washed it, it was shedding a lot more than usual. (happens every year with this weather though)

currently i wash 1-2xs a week with joico's mositure recovery and for a leave in a use blended beauty's happyto be nappy cream after i wash to tame the frizz amd the styling butter with a little bit of water to moisturize and style daily.

i have tried totally wetting my hair and either using miss jessies curly meringue or the kinky curly custard but the ends of my hair do not feel moisturized, it feels somewhat dry even if i only use a little bit of the product. also with the kinky curly custard i get a lot of flakes even if that is the only product i am using on my hair. :nono:

is there anything else i can do to help my hair or do i just grin and bear it since i cannot control the weather?
Well, the only thing that has helped me is using conditioners with silicones. I know a lot of folks are anti-cone but really, it's the only thing that keeps me from looking crazy in the humidity. I leave conditioner in my hair, i just ring some of it out then diffuse to dry it a little. Right now, i'm going between HE & pantene. I find that using too much leave after I do this just makes things worse so I just put a little leave in (I use abba) on the ends only and a little gel on the edges. Less is more for me because I sweat in my scalp a lot so it doesn't make sense for me to put a bunch of products on my hair.

I've heard good things about Sabino moisture block as far as curls go...there is a recent thread about it with the video on how to apply it. I'll try to bump it for you.
currently all my conditioners have sillicons. the only other thing i can think to do is daily rinsing and using a leaving conditioner and then some of miss jessie's on top of the hair. the downside to getting to reliant on the MJ is that it is too expensive IMO.

i not sure. i wonder if anyone else has some suggestions
I decided to wear twists until the heat ends. I'm re-doing them every two weeks and at times will wear my hair in a braidout, but for the most part i'm leaving them in twists with daily moisturizing on my ends.