I love my texturizer...


New Member
I think it's the perfect option for my hair and I wish I had thought/known about it years earlier. (That is, if I can maintain this precise amount of relaxedness - we'll see what happens after the next touch-up, which I plan to stretch out as long as possible).

Why I love it is that it takes away my #1 issue I had with my natural 4a/4b texture - TANGLES & KNOTS. I liked my natural texture but if I so much as laid down for a few minutes without braiding/stretching it out, it would knot something fierce. I have spent hours trying to unleash tangles without ripping out my hair. Now that issue seems to be resolved - I have way fewer (if any) tangles.

On the other hand, I love that it's still slightly curly/wavy. This means when I put my hair back in a ponytail when it's wet, it dries into a cute curly puff so I don't have to curl the ends of my ponytail. Also it gives my fine-textured hair a lot more body than it would have otherwise. I don't plan to wear it straight but it also works much better for roller sets.

So anyway, to those natural ladies who are contemplating getting a relaxer, I'd definitely give a
to texturizing (e.g., very slightly relaxing) as an alternative.

I didn't do it myself, but I plan to ask my hairdresser to do the exact same thing she did before. She used a regular relaxer (Optimum regular, lye-based, multi-mineral) and right after she applied it, she washed it out. No more than a couple of minutes of smoothing.

Maybe next time I can also coat the ends of my hair with something to prevent the relaxer from washing through? I don't know...