I love my hair...I know


Well-Known Member
some of yall are probably making the same face my sister did when I said this out loud to her last week after my relaxer:cool: . But I cant help but to be honest!!! I am not writing this to get shout outs on my hair from yall because I just started this journey and my hair is not all that great right now....WITH THAT SAID I think this would be a great thread for the ladies here (newbies as well) to give reasons as to why they LOVE their hair. I know there are days when we want to rip it all out because its not doing what u want it to do. And instead of being happy with what we've accomplished were mad at what we haven't. So ladies acknowledge your hard work and dedication and say what u love about your hair and this journey to a healthier mane!!!

I'll start:

1. I love that my hair IS growing (cause I thought it never would)
2. I love how soft and delicate my hair is
3. Lastly I love knowing that I AM not the only one feeling like this and there are others out there feelin the same way about their hair....:lol:
I love your hair too! It's so nice and shiny. Once I find out what my hair loves then I will love it more. Right now it is a work in progess
Girl your hair must love something because it is BEAUTIFUL!!!! You are doing something right :lol: Thanks for the compliment!
I love MY Hair because:

1. It's growing beyond what I expected.
2. It's soooo soft and thick ng and all.
3. My hair swing and bounce in the wind and fall back into place:grin:
4. The Overall reason why I love my hair is because I have learned to do EVERYTHING myself therefore I can spend more money on hair products:)
bablou00 said:
1. I love that my hair IS growing (cause I thought it never would)

1. I'll have to agree with you on that one...I really thought my hair would never grow, but it's growing now and I love it!:lol:

2. I love that my hair is way thicker and healthier than it was before I started my hair care journey.

3. And Lastly, I love that my hair because it's actually showing improvement overall (softness, manageability, health, growth, and everything in between) :grin:
Great replies ladies! I think its awesome that others are in love w/ their hair as much as I am right now. Believe me there are those days:mad: ...but overall taking care of my hair is like a second job that I LOVE....hehe
I love my hair because it's responding to the learned techniques and extra TLC that I have been giving it since joining LHCF (thanks ladies).

I love that my hair is now longer, thicker, and healthier than it has ever been.

I love my hair even more now that I have learned the many positive and beautiful aspects of it instead of listening to society in this country say that it is negative! :-D
I love my hair because it is more beautiful and healthy than it has ever been in my life. I never knew I could have "nice" hair that could grow and feel and look good. Heck, I thought for a long time that the worst thing that could happen to me would be walking around with nappy hair. Now my hair is 4b nappy, beautiful and kinky and I am more happy than I have ever been in my life. And it is so amazing that at this time in my life when I have the the love of my life AND I am the first person in my family to graduate (finally) from college, I gained all of it with this nappy hair on my head. God is good :)
I love my hair
I love how soft it is and how quickly I can style it now. I do not even have to go through any hoops. I can run in the bathroom put some water and some leave in conditioner throw a band on it and go out the door and be just as cute
I love how it grows. I never ever thought I would grow out my hair so fast. I think at this rate I might be shoulder length by April.
I love the texture I love how it makes me feel.
I love how real I am now. I love saying this is all mine. I don't have a lot of length Yet but what I do have is all mine and I am crazy about it. THANKS LHCF.