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Anyone else getting cricks in their neck or pulled muscles at times trying to do your hair , I guess this would be mostly for the naturals , as it seems to be the most hard work by my guestimation

I just want to know how to do my hair and not be in pain after, and it does happen often
I was relaxed, and SL and got cricks too. I don't think it matters if you're relaxed or natural - but how you hold your head for extended periods of time.

One thing that helped me was to move my arms, instead of moving my head. So instead of bending my head down/forward, just pull my arms back or a bit lower. I think as long as you can keep it straight for majority of the time, you should be okay. And I'd rather my arms ache than my neck!
LOL, I thought I was the only one. But I start getting a little misty and my arms get tired and start hurting. I just take breaks, move my arms around and roll my neck, drink some water and get back to whatever it was I was doing to my hair. Maybe you can just do you hair in steps, which might mean it'll take all day but at least you won't be in so much pain.

Boy this definitely puts a new twist on the meaning of "Beauty hurts"!!
I was relaxed, and SL and got cricks too. I don't think it matters if you're relaxed or natural - but how you hold your head for extended periods of time.

One thing that helped me was to move my arms, instead of moving my head. So instead of bending my head down/forward, just pull my arms back or a bit lower. I think as long as you can keep it straight for majority of the time, you should be okay. And I'd rather my arms ache than my neck!

I need to learn how to hold my head then cause I will get bad knots in my neck/shoulder

I have to figure this out, will work on my arms doing the work without movemet from my head
I don't get cricks in my neck, but I get wrist pain during long detangling sessions. The fact that I'm on a laptop all the time and knitting the rest of the time doesn't help.
LOL, I thought I was the only one. But I start getting a little misty and my arms get tired and start hurting. I just take breaks, move my arms around and roll my neck, drink some water and get back to whatever it was I was doing to my hair. Maybe you can just do you hair in steps, which might mean it'll take all day but at least you won't be in so much pain.

Boy this definitely puts a new twist on the meaning of "Beauty hurts"!!

yeah its definitely WORSE when I have rushed through the process your right about that

its hard cause it already takes long enough, but I think your right I'm about to have no choice than to take steps and slow it down and do everything very carefully, I end up in so much pain
I don't get cricks in my neck, but I get wrist pain during long detangling sessions. The fact that I'm on a laptop all the time and knitting the rest of the time doesn't help.

yeah I also cant squeeze conditioner bottles anymore without pain in my thumbs

this is all getting hard
Yes! I'm relaxed and rollersetting my hair has become a chore. My arms and hands are aching by the time I'm done detangling and rolling.
I was relaxed, and SL and got cricks too. I don't think it matters if you're relaxed or natural - but how you hold your head for extended periods of time.

One thing that helped me was to move my arms, instead of moving my head. So instead of bending my head down/forward, just pull my arms back or a bit lower. I think as long as you can keep it straight for majority of the time, you should be okay. And I'd rather my arms ache than my neck!

I agree I will take sore arms over a painful pulled muscle in the neck/shoulder
Yes! I'm relaxed and rollersetting my hair has become a chore. My arms and hands are aching by the time I'm done detangling and rolling.

I couldnt even imagine rolling my hair , lord I would have to lay down for several hours after with lots of Motrin LOL
yeah I also cant squeeze conditioner bottles anymore without pain in my thumbs

this is all getting hard

That's really not good. Maybe you can start doing hand exercise like squeezing stress balls or something and/or twirling those zen meditation balls in your hands. How long has this been happening?
That's really not good. Maybe you can start doing hand exercise like squeezing stress balls or something and/or twirling those zen meditation balls in your hands. How long has this been happening?

just gotten worse over the last 6 months or so

I dont have the strength to squeeze and squeeze them things

I'm already thinking of putting them in jars first, have my daughter do it for in advance

sometimes i just sit the bottle on the sink and push on it to get it out LOL
That's really not good. Maybe you can start doing hand exercise like squeezing stress balls or something and/or twirling those zen meditation balls in your hands. How long has this been happening?

I think its arthritis in my thumbs

But its only triggered by either a whole lot of texting (rare)

but almost everytime , in either thumb when squeezing them conditioner bottles

ones mostly giving me problems , well all squeezable ones do, but them Organix are hard hard hard to squeeze. I am too through with them , gotta find another way

by the time I AM done I am hurting in my neck, shoulder(s) arms and hands:wallbash:
My problem is the pointer finger using a pump spray bottle. My finger is sore right now from Sat rollersetting.
Iris sometimes I like to do my hair on my bed w/ a pillow in front of me. LOL...sounds weird I know, but I lean forward to plait my hair. I find it's easier sometimes w/ the length. It saves my neck, but my arms get tired sometimes.
Sometimes I'll do half of my hair, take a break and finish it up.

When you have alot of hair, sometimes it can wear you out just plaiting it. ;)