I LOVE GPB Glycogen Protein Conditoner (NATURAL) REVIEW/question?


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

I recently fell in love with Aubrey’s Honeysuckle shampoo and conditioner. So naturally I decided to try the GPB Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner as a prepoo conditioner. Well ladies I’m in love, this conditioner is the business!!!!!! I put the GPB with a plastic bag on my hair for about 3-4 hrs. Then I rinse/shampoo my hair. Lastly I put the honeysuckle conditioner on my hair for about 10 minutes. I tell ya my comb-out was magical. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to comb my hair with a small size comb.

I also noticed that I barely had hair in my comb after I was finished. I would say it was about 75% less than what I’m used to! I have been natural for over 4 years now and have tried all kinds of products. I had the pjism real bad but now I’m CURED:dance7:

SIDENOTE: How many times a month should I used a protein conditioner? I’m new to the whole protein thing so I need some advice

With GPB, I've used it weekly. I don't even follow it with a moisturizing conditioner. I consider it a reconstructor which to me means "a conditioner with both moisturizing as well as strengthening (protein) properties". I've never used a pure protein so I don't know how often you should do that. But with GPB, weekly has never caused me any problems.
When I first started my haircare journey I chose this conditioner because it was advertised as Aubrey's bestseller on the UK website. I used it to cowash after workouts while my hair was in braids (no hair added). I found my hair strengthened and also moisturised.

Then I found LHCF and met my beloved HSR, but I have remembered the value of the GBP and now rotate between the two. Both are winners in my book! :grin:

I have used GBP up to 3x a week with no problems as it is a mild protein condish which also has moisturising ingredients.
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i've been using GPB conditioner and the camomile luxurious volumzing shampoo and i feel in love as well. I literally have no breakage and i'm texturized. I just ordered the 16oz GPB from vitacost. I love aubrey organics.:lick:
Whole Foods has the AO line on sale this week and I bought every bottle of the Honeysuckle Rose conditioner on the shelf! :yep: I want to try the GPB, but my basket was full! :spinning:
Hello Ladies,

I recently fell in love with Aubrey’s Honeysuckle shampoo and conditioner. So naturally I decided to try the GPB Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner as a prepoo conditioner. Well ladies I’m in love, this conditioner is the business!!!!!! I put the GPB with a plastic bag on my hair for about 3-4 hrs. Then I rinse/shampoo my hair. Lastly I put the honeysuckle conditioner on my hair for about 10 minutes. I tell ya my comb-out was magical. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to comb my hair with a small size comb.

I also noticed that I barely had hair in my comb after I was finished. I would say it was about 75% less than what I’m used to! I have been natural for over 4 years now and have tried all kinds of products. I had the pjism real bad but now I’m CURED:dance7:

SIDENOTE: How many times a month should I used a protein conditioner? I’m new to the whole protein thing so I need some advice


ooooooh cocomama, i am so happy this worked for you. i am going to try the GPB as a prepoo... never tried it that way before. was your hair dry or damp when you applied the GPB??????
I only use light proteins, and this has been my absolute favorite since 2000. I don't have it in my hair care product stash right now, because I'm using some of my other products. I'll be stocking up on it soon though. I can't believe I've been without my favorite light protein THIS long.

In the past, I've used Aubrey Organics GPB weekly (with no problems at all). After all, it's a light protein.
I have HSR and I was kind of disappointed...
I only used it once as pre poo and I was not happy...

so before ya'll make me go out in buy GPC... Does it have slip?
Hmmm, I want to try GPB, but how would y'all describe the scent? I've used AO conditioners, but stopped (despite great results) because the products don't smell good. :nono:
Thanks for this post, I have both products. I'll try the GPB prepoo HSR after condish (with some oils added) and see what I get.

My natural hair loves oil, I add some type of oil to all my DCs... it gives me that slip I need for my hair type.

ETA: This will be a good prep for my first heat use this year...:up: I want to make sure to use a light protein before and after each heat use.
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Hello Ladies,

I recently fell in love with Aubrey’s Honeysuckle shampoo and conditioner. So naturally I decided to try theGPB Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner as a prepoo conditioner. Well ladies I’m in love, this conditioner is the business!!!!!! I put the GPB with a plastic bag on my hair for about 3-4 hrs. Then I rinse/shampoo my hair. Lastly I put the honeysuckle conditioner on my hair for about 10 minutes. I tell ya my comb-out was magical. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to comb my hair with a small size comb.

I also noticed that I barely had hair in my comb after I was finished. I would say it was about 75% less than what I’m used to! I have been natural for over 4 years now and have tried all kinds of products. I had the pjism real bad but now I’m CURED:dance7:

SIDENOTE: How many times a month should I used a protein conditioner? I’m new to the whole protein thing so I need some advice


Thanks for this post. I was looking for a natural protein DC that I could use interchangeably with my moisturizing DC that had no -cones and no harsh synthetic ingredients. Definitely going to check this out on Friday when I go to Whole Foods.

P.S. The amount of times you use a protein treatment during a period of time depends on the condition of your hair. I like to do strand tests. When I comb my hair I like to take a strand of hair that naturally sheds when you comb, and tug it. If it just stretches and then breaks with no snapping sound, then you need a protein treatment. On the other hand, if it doesn't stretch at all but just breaks you most likely have a protein over load (or badly fried hair which needs both moisture and protein). Depending on the results of the strand test you may need to use a protein treatment more or less frequently.
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I love both so much! I have been using them for four years and I really love them. Great Conditooning and great slip. I can't live without them. They are in my everyday routine!!!!
I have HSR and I was kind of disappointed...
I only used it once as pre poo and I was not happy...

so before ya'll make me go out in buy GPC... Does it have slip?

I glad you chimed in. I bought some Honeysuckle Rose and it was eh? I paid 10.99 for this. Maybe I'll try it as a pre shampoo treatment. I previously used it as a deep conditioner. It did not work as well as my Aussie 3 minute deeeeeeep mositurizer.
I'm a big fan of AO GPB & HSR conditioners. The GPB is a very light protein conditioner and can be use weekly. I used this weekly as a prepoo on dry hair before and it's great as well as a regular DC on wet hair. Same for the HSR. I now use the GPB 1-2x a month. Glad you like it.