I know y"all told me not to but I got my hair evened up anyway...


Well-Known Member
I couldn't deal with the unevenness anymore. I feel better now. I feel more balanced and that my hair is in a nice place to let it continue to grow long without it being SO uneven. I know I don't post alot of pics so you really couldn't see but the sides looked pretty bad. I can still pull it into my phony bun for my protective styles so I feel good about that. I told the guy that I just needed it more even with the sides because I was trying to grow it out. He promised to only cut an inch off and give me some long (they had just about grown out) for shape. You see, if I don't have some type of shape to my hair as I'm growing it out, I'll panic and wind up cutting it all off and I don't want to do that anymore! So anyway, he treated my scalp with some phyto product because he said it was dry. The pic is in my siggy.
your hair looks beautiful.

i dont know how it looked before, but it looks GREAT now! i think evening out ends makes hair look healthier, and thicker.
:boxing::boxing:Ms. ShiShiPooPoo, I would slap my mama if it meant that I could have hair as beautiful as yours (not literally tho...she'd kill me!).
The positive reinforcement really is nice ladies. It has been a week today since I evened it up and I've been wearing my phony bun for the last 3-4 days. God, this thing is the best invention since the flat iron as far as I'm concerned.