i know we have heard more horror stories than


Well-Known Member
Good stories about trips to the salon, but I'm seriously convinced we should all cut our hair or get someone we know trustful to do it. She didn't need all that cut

Watch "Hair + Texturizer Update | June 2014" on YouTube
Hair + Texturizer Update | June 2014: http://youtu.be/Za0KmNMM45g

I was going to get a professional trim when I hit mbl which probably would be at the end of this year or very beginning of near year but I have changed my mind. I rather watch tons of videos and do it or have my SO watch videos and do it.

She was waist length before jeesh. She cut off 6 months of hair! Smh
It does look good. Her ends will be nice while she grows it, and it will barely take a year to get it all back
She has gorgeous hair. I'm completely convinced that stylists do this on purpose. She said that woman has been doing her hair for 2 years, her entire hair journey. The stylist was probably jealous.

I recently got a cut, but it was exactly what I asked for - no more, no less. So, there are some stylists out there who follow directions. I prefer stylists who are on their own hair journeys.
That's horrible!!! Her hair does look awesome regardless, but still. My mother has always told me to go to a gay male hairdresser to avoid hair envy, and I stick to that rule like the bible when it comes to haircuts.

So sad.
I just can't make myself trust those scissor-happy clowns. I just can't and I've been around a long time, live in a major city and I just do not trust them.
Oh wow! What a huge difference. I've been going to the same stylist almost 6 years and once I decided to grow my hair out, trims were done at home by me. I truly believe cuts should be done by stylists and trims should be done by yourself....especially if you are trying to grow your hair. Miscommunication, stylists being busy with other clients etc, can all play a part in your trim becoming a cut.
Straight up jealousy, plain and simple. Something similar happened to me with a stylist I had been going to for 4 years. How do you do someone's hair for a long period of time then all of sudden decide to switch up methods? Nah.
Two years is a long time to go to someone and not know that you can't trust them. She has gorgeous hair, too.
I can relate to this as well. I went to the same stylist for 5 years until I moved to a different area and started going to a new/better stylist. While I was going to the new stylist, I started taking better care of my hair and it looked great! Well, it looked great until I decided to visit my old stylist for a certain style and she complained how my hair was so unhealthy and I should've never stopped going to her and how I needed a trim. She chopped my hair off and I wasn't even NL when I left. Never went back.

I have so many of these stories.
I can relate to this as well. I went to the same stylist for 5 years until I moved to a different area and started going to a new/better stylist. While I was going to the new stylist, I started taking better care of my hair and it looked great! Well, it looked great until I decided to visit my old stylist for a certain style and she complained how my hair was so unhealthy and I should've never stopped going to her and how I needed a trim. She chopped my hair off and I wasn't even NL when I left. Never went back.

I have so many of these stories.

Every time I consider getting a "professional" trim, I see these videos and read these threads and change my mind quickly. Thankfully her hair looks good but she cut way too much off!
Because I used to work as an receptionist for Great Cuts, the stylist there who mostly only cut hair for the entire shift women/men/kids. They are the ones to trust to trim your hair. If you feel worried in that chair, they will give you the salon mirror to watch as she trims and points out to you where she will cut.
So if you have a Great Cuts, Super Cuts etc close by give them a try. Trims where $12 some years ago, so should be slightly more now. I say it's better to get your hair done at your choice salon, than when needed go to Great Cuts to get your trim. Your hair length will thank you.
I never tried the barber but I heard the men there will trim only wants needed to trim as well
I always tell people, when you get a trim or a cut MAKE SURE THEY keep the same shape.

That womans hair (as many people do) grows in a U shape (the front grows slower than the back). The person that cut her hair cut her straight across instead of focusing on the shape.
Because I used to work as an receptionist for Great Cuts, the stylist there who mostly only cut hair for the entire shift women/men/kids. They are the ones to trust to trim your hair. If you feel worried in that chair, they will give you the salon mirror to watch as she trims and points out to you where she will cut.
So if you have a Great Cuts, Super Cuts etc close by give them a try. Trims where $12 some years ago, so should be slightly more now. I say it's better to get your hair done at your choice salon, than when needed go to Great Cuts to get your trim. Your hair length will thank you.
I never tried the barber but I heard the men there will trim only wants needed to trim as well

Exaclty!!! I just wrote a posts about this.

When I tell people I go to Supercuts they are shocked but Ive been for over 10 years now and Ive only had a problem withe one cutter. I found out later her mother was very sick. She didnt take off too much but the front was a little uneven. Everyone else has given me exactly what ive asked for.
The price in Ny is $21 for a cut or a trim but after 7 o'clock the price drops to $7
I try to use the cutter that works in the front chair because they usually have been there the longest.