I know some women here use prenatal pills for hair growth...


Active Member
I was going to start using them and I just read this...

However, if you are not pregnant, you should not use pre – natal vitamins for your hair or skin alone. Because these vitamins are designed primarily for the baby and not for you. Also they can make you feel sick! You should take the following vitamins and minerals for your hair
• Biotin
• Vitamin A
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Inositol
• Niacin and
• Pantothenic acid

Is there any truth to that?
I have no idea...but I know some females were complaining about biotin causing breakouts.

Anyway--I take a one a day and that's it.

I don't take an abundance of vitamins...seems a bit dangerous to take a mult, prenatal and then additional vitamins on top of that.:ohwell:
Before starting any vitiamin you should consult your doctor. I take a lot.:spinning: I know it may sound crazy but as I said consult your doctor and I have and he has given me the go ahead.

1. one a day
2. calcium
3. omega 3
4. biotin
5. potassium
6. garlic
7.B complex

I was under the belief that prenatul pills give the most vitiamns to a female the baby pulls its nutrients from the mother so yes the vitiams are for the baby BUT primarily for the mother so she can reamin healthy. If the mom is deficient in something the baby will still pull as much as he can from her but it will result in mom loosing hair, calcium from her bones, iron deficient among other things oh and not to mention the baby may still malnourished.

I used to take them but but stopped no reason and they didnt make me ill.

I don't think prenatal vits help wtih Hir gowth, But I could be wrong. I am still taking prenatals. I was advised by my doctor to continue taking them post natal for at least a year to help get my body back on track.
It's ok to take them. Docs actually advise you to take them atleast a year before you get pregnant(that is of course if you are trying to get pregnant and not if it just happens) I still take mines but I switched to Flinstones recently because you HAVE to eat before you take pre-natals or else you will get sick and I always forget to take them after eating.

Just remember to of course consult your doc and then make sure you eat before you take the vitamin that is most important with them things.
Pre-natal vitamins are safe for non-pregnant women. I don't take them, but now that I'm thinking back on how my hair grew when I was pregnant, I just might start! :lachen:
i just eat some total raisin bran. they have 11 essential vitamins and minerals! i try to stay away from anything that has to do with being preggers, sorry :look:
I'm taking prenatals, not for hair growth but because I'm breastfeeding. My prenatals have never made me sick. Actually, I felt sick when I didn't take them. They're Rainbow Light brand. In addition to vitamins and minerals, they contain a digestive support complex and a superfood vitality blend.
It's ok to take them. Docs actually advise you to take them atleast a year before you get pregnant(that is of course if you are trying to get pregnant and not if it just happens) I still take mines but I switched to Flinstones recently because you HAVE to eat before you take pre-natals or else you will get sick and I always forget to take them after eating.

Just remember to of course consult your doc and then make sure you eat before you take the vitamin that is most important with them things.
Very true. It won't hurt you at all. Doctors do recommend being on them to give your body what it needs before you get pregnant. And yes, please do eat! lol
I don't think prenatal vits help wtih Hir gowth, But I could be wrong. I am still taking prenatals. I was advised by my doctor to continue taking them post natal for at least a year to help get my body back on track.
they dont. they are justa regular multivit with extra folic acid and iron than the avg.
Oh ok I also have Biotin 5000mcg so I might just do that until my Nioxin comes. For the women that have posted about losing their hair that grew during the pregnancy I read this also.

Since they usually contain all the essential vitamins and minerals, the pre – natal pills have a very positive effect on the hair, skin and nails of the mother too. Mostly, after the baby is born and when women stop taking these vitamins, there is a unusually high loss of hair! It is believe that this is because the pre – natal vitamins prevent the hair from falling while you are taking then and when you stop taking them the extra hair starts falling out. This is just a common belief and I am not sure how true it is. However, pre – natal vitamins contain Vitamin A, C and E among other vitamins and nutrients which are very helpful with hair and skin.
I have taken pre-natal vitamins from almost the beginning of my journey because I had a lot of vitamins left over from pregnancy and pre-preg days; and I think they help--the amount of help I cant say. So my nails have been growing quickly; I actually dont like my nails long because I always have had my nails split and snag something (I have tried a lot of products, filing, and still haven't found just the right thing to stop that from happening). I have been cutting my nails or clipping them right back down --not all the way to the nub but I dont like them too far over the finger tip cause that seems to be when the 'catching' starts. I think they have been helping my hair too, like a trickle down-- or should I say a trickle up effect. I take them with meals or small snacks and never feel sick. I have to take them with something because I'll choke otherwise trying to swallow them things. I look at it like Im "babying" myself in a way, it doesn't hurt...me. :grin:
Oh ok I also have Biotin 5000mcg so I might just do that until my Nioxin comes. For the women that have posted about losing their hair that grew during the pregnancy I read this also.

Since they usually contain all the essential vitamins and minerals, the pre – natal pills have a very positive effect on the hair, skin and nails of the mother too. Mostly, after the baby is born and when women stop taking these vitamins, there is a unusually high loss of hair! It is believe that this is because the pre – natal vitamins prevent the hair from falling while you are taking then and when you stop taking them the extra hair starts falling out. This is just a common belief and I am not sure how true it is. However, pre – natal vitamins contain Vitamin A, C and E among other vitamins and nutrients which are very helpful with hair and skin.
This is not true. Estrogen causes hair to remain in the growing phase, minimizes shedding and stimulates the growth of your hair...When a woman becomes pregnant the amount of estrogen hormones drastically increases and promotes growth and healthy hair. thats why people have a gorgeous head of hair and see increased growth when they are preggers:yep: After giving birth the hairs go into the resting phase and shed, this is mainly due to the drop in estrogen. The vits really have nothing to do with the health of a pregnant woman's hair. If you read any articles relating to pregnancy and hair growth very few articles mention prenatal vits attributing to hair growth or lack of prental vits attibuting to postpartum shedding. Vits do attribute to health of all functioning cells but the majority of what happens during pregnancy is hormonal.
Pre-natals don't necessarily increase growth but it's the hormones while a women is pregnant that increases beautiful skin, nails and amazing hair growth. After the baby is born and hair falls, it's usually because of the hormone levels in the body rapidly dropping and balancing back out. Taking natals, especially after giving birth will significantly slow this "falling" process and bring the body back to the normal balance of hormones. As far as prenatals being harmful, they are not they provide a woman in childbearing years with the extra vitamins needed to sustain a pregnancy, or for overall health.

Consult doctor in any case to insure the proper vitamins you are deficient of. And always take vitamins with a meal or milk.
Pre-natal vitamins are safe for non-pregnant women. I don't take them, but now that I'm thinking back on how my hair grew when I was pregnant, I just might start! :lachen:

I agree with missdebbi... pre-natals are definitely safe for women who aren't pregnant...I just visited my doctor last week and told her that we are trying to get pregnant and she suggested that I start taking the prenatal NOW!
I agree with missdebbi... pre-natals are definitely safe for women who aren't pregnant...I just visited my doctor last week and told her that we are trying to get pregnant and she suggested that I start taking the prenatal NOW!

I started taking prenatals months ago. I haven't noticed any changes in my hair growth. I think it's the hormones that make hair grow faster.
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My cousin is taking prenatal pills and her hair is growing much faster her, she cut her hair in a bob a month ago and her nape is DEF. GROWN OUT. s0o0o i was thinking,....My Mega-Tek and Prenatals =
:gorgeous: :look: :grin:
When I started taking prenatals in highschool my hair really did grow faster and looked a lot healthier. Maybe it was because I never took vitamins before and the fact I was getting enough now vits/minerals my hair started seeing the benefits... I'm not sure but thats probably why. Though it would be great if the prenatals did grow hair faster!!
I used to take them and it didn't bother me any. I didn't notice any difference in my hiar though. Plus (as it's been menioned already) the doctor says start taking them before you get pregnant anyway.
I take prenatals per my docs recommendation (for TTCing). I also take Biotin as well. I haven't experienced any type of sickness when taking them. I do feel a difference when I don't though.
Prenatal vitamins contain pretty much the same ingredients as any other vitamin tablet, but just in larger amounts. I take prenatals, but I take only a half a pill a day. I do this because it's cheaper for me to buy a prenatal vitamin bottle that has 120 tablets that costs around 12 dollars than a regular vitamin bottle that contains maybe 240 tablets but costs dang near 20 dollars. I'm pretty much getting the same vitamin intake but for less money.

P.S. I have noticed that prenatals contain more iron than regular vitamins, though. I'm anemic so it doesn't really affect me, but if a person isn't anemic they might want to check and see if it will be all right for them to take prenatals on a daily basis.
Pre-natal vitamins are safe for non-pregnant women. I don't take them, but now that I'm thinking back on how my hair grew when I was pregnant, I just might start! :lachen:

I know what you mean. I cut my hair short and from the time I got pregnant til I gave birth 7 months later (he was a preemie) my hair had grown so much...!!
I have some patients that make regular donations to Locks of Love, who have told me they take prenatal vitamins to aid in faster growth.
Eh, they can't make you feel sick, from what I have been told by doctors and nurses. Your body just washes out the minerals/vitamins that you do not use. And prenatals are a good source of vitamins anyway.
It is not safe to take pre-natal vitamins because a lot of contain levels of iron and zinc that are not healthy for non-pregnant women to take. They can even make pregnant women sick. I would suggest that if someone is interested in taking pre-natal vitamins to make sure that the iron and zinc levels are low. An overdose of iron can cause a lot of problems you just don't need.