I know I'm Late but I have fell in love with Coconut Oil :)

It's my favorite, too. I think I got mine at puritansale.com .But do you all continue to use it in winter? It turns solid so quickly, seems like even in the 60s maybe 50s it starts to turn solid on my hair.

I still use it in the winter. Just scoop out a chunk and rub my hands together just like shea butter.
I absolutely LOVES me some coconut oil. Don't worry about being late. I heard about people raving about it and I shrugged it off because other stuff like ORS was raved about and that stuff made my hair shed. I wasn't into all natural then. When I realized that my ultra sensitive hair only likes natural I gave coconut oil a try. WOW is all I can say. Some people can't use it and I would wonder if they could be allergic to nuts somehow...just a thought.

ETA~ I used to get mine at Wal-Mart and it was $10. EVCO at that. Then I got online and saw EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL at vitacost.com for $4 for the same size! WHAT?!?!?! Now I have it set up to ship every 45 days and the charge my card so I don't have to worry about running out! Now how's that???

Dang! you serious about it lol. But having used it, I understand why. I'm so glad I picked up that jar when I did, b/c it was sold out when I got to work today.