I know everyone is probably sick of these threads but.....


New Member
Can someone please tell me my hairtype. Also would you guys consider me shoulder length? My hair is actually about an inch longer than what it is in the picture. Iv'e been a member of this site for a year now and feel that Im not progessing as I should be ad that could have a lot to do with not knowing my correct hairtype.

Your hair looks like 3c maybe 3c/4a mix. I believe it's not really important about not know your hair type but knowing what your particular hair likes or don't like. Not everyone hair is the same even if they have the same type. I suggest really paying attention to how your hair reacts when you use products so you can determine if the product works for your hair or not. Hth
Looks SL to me lol. Looks about the same length as my straightend hair, and I'm DEFINITELY claiming SL/CBL, no matter what anyone says :lachen:
looks like 3c maybe some 4a. the pics are kinda dark.

when my hair was that length i called it full neck length...but you are grazing the shoulder, so call it! :)

i agree with previous poster.......your hair type has little to do with how you prgress in your journey. i suggest you start keeping a hair journal. keep detailed notes on products and how your hair reacts to products and regimen changes. this will teach you the most about your hair...not what some chart says is your "type"

just today i was wondering what should be my next step in my regimen....i have almost 4 years worth of notes on my hair. i review my own notes. turns out a product i was interested in trying had been a big failure for me a few years back......meanwhile, i found in those same notes another time when i was having the same issue. problem solved. i just repeated what i did last time and didn't even have to play guessing games.

my lsat piece of advice, take pictures. not just length and texture shots, but of problem areas. you may be surprised to see progress where you think there is none, when you compare photos instead of how you see yourself in the mirror.

good luck! :)
OP, I don't know your hair type (I don't know my own either), but I want to say again that knowing your hair type has little to nothing to do w/ your progress. There are people who know their hair type that have been at the same length for years. Like the others said, just listen to your hair. I would also like to know what your current regimen is.
I think you are a 4a and I agree with blackdiamond, hair type doesn't matter. I'm a 4a/b mix, following a 3c's (Dlewis) regimen and it has worked very well for me. It's not the hair type, it's just a simple regimen that's easy to follow. Consistency and simplicity is key IMO.

What is your regimen?

And yes ma'am you look full SL.
I think you are a 4a and I agree with blackdiamond, hair type doesn't matter. I'm a 4a/b mix, following a 3c's (Dlewis) regimen and it has worked very well for me. It's not the hair type, it's just a simple regimen that's easy to follow. Consistency and simplicity is key IMO.

What is your regimen?

And yes ma'am you look full SL.

I wash and condition myself once a week and everyother week I have my Aunt press and curl my hair. Daily I moisturize with Bronner Bros Oil Moisturizer. I still have yet to find a moisturizer that my hair doesnt soak right up. I do think that I put too much heat on my hair right now on the weeks I dont visit my Aunt so I really need to work on that. But I keep a really simple regimen as I dont have time to do much to my hair.