I kinda miss being a new natural


Well-Known Member
I used to hate when my hair was shorter. Though its still not very long, I do miss being a new natural. My hair held its shape a lot better, the excitement was there, the experiments were more interesting (I still experiment but now I have a better idea of what the outcome would be), and it was less work! Natural is still the best option for me, but its not the same as before- though that's a good and bad thing.

I've been fully natural 5 years BTW.

Anyone else get me/ feel the same?
Yes! I was just thinking this while watching a comb coils video yesterday on YT.

I don't plan to cut it (I'm 2.5 yrs in), but I do wish I would have enjoyed my TWA more. Enjoy the journey newbies!
I wish I would have appreciated my first year natural a lot more. I was in such a hurry to have longer hair that it was almost agonizing for me. I was also paranoid about every decision I made and trying to listen to too many different ppl. I would definitely have a more relaxed attitude about it if I could do it over again.
I think the BC's are so much cuter these days. I wish I had done a tapered cut or used more color in the early days. I'm happy with my length now and I can't wait until my hair is touching my hip when stretched...but the new naturals are so stylish.
nah mehn. i do not miss those early days.i still remember the night after i first cut all my hair off. having cold winds whip my scalp in the middle of December was not a cute feeling :lol:
I kind of miss it. I haven't been natural that long at all tho, it just feels like i have. Mine grew so fast, i don't think i even had a TWA...idk. All i know is that i do NOT plan on BC'ing again ever!!

It was so exciting seeing what my natural curls looked like for the first time ever! And then the new products and trying different gel/conditioner combos.

I call myself trying to try new products now but....my staples are pretty much enough for me. And now i've gotten super style-lazy..the most i do now is a wash n go or twists.

Wash n go's become puffs or buns, twists become twistouts or buns or get washed out and go back to being wash n go's :look:

The magic of being natural is kinda dying...but i really do love my natural hair and i understand that it is personally the best for my scalp.:)
Nope! For me to BC again it would have to be real serious, and I didn't even BC low the first time. I ain't got time for that, lol.
There is nothing like transitioning for the first time! Everything was new and exciting. It was a lot of fun guessing what my hair would be like...I was amazed by my hair. When I BC'd it was like everything was new and interesting! lol :3
yeah me too. I remember when i first bigchopped i could not stop touching it. I would cowash and twistout every night. lord knows i dont have the energy to cowash a twist everyday.
I completely understand that. It's really hard to maintain. This is why I think my new rule is just to remain natural but have a install in place.
Yeah... I think 6 months to a year post was perfect for me. My boyfriend keeps a pic of me in his phone and I LOVED the way my hair looked. Shaped in a killer twist out... it was big and soft. The perfect compliment to the sun dress I was wearing. :yep:

Now.... I'm not really enjoying my hair per se. It's always protected via wig or updo. Even when I flat ironed, I put it right back up. :nono: I love my grass.... it's just not as much fun. And with PCOS, I'm afraid to play around with color... *sigh*
I did the most and a half the first year and enjoyed every minute of it. I knew I would need to settle into it if this is going to be a long-term thing for me, but it was definitely fun.
I sometimes feel this way but I am still an excited Natural. My last texlax was a year and a half ago. When I chopped off my hair around ear length (not quite a BC) I loved doing co washes and WnG. Styling was so simple but there were plenty of days when I looked a hot mess. But no one could tell me any different because I thought my new texture was the cutest thing ever! :lol:

Now that my hair is almost APL I'm getting excited again... because this is the length I was when I chopped off my hair. Also, I'm no longer bothered by how long it takes to style my hair. And I've found the majority of my staples.

So.... yes and no... it's nice to no longer feel like my hair is foreign territory. It's also nice to no longer get those comments from family members, "oh so you're TRYING to go natural?" :drunk:
I don't miss the shorter hair, but I miss quicker styling, and quicker detangling. As my hair gets longer its harder to keep my ends as healthy. I never experienced a twa though. Sometimes I have strong urges to start all over, practically bald lol, but i'm too length hungry smh
I know exactly what you mean! I loved my TWA, not so much my in between phase. When it started hanging a little bit, I was too excited. Now I'm just bored lol but still kinda excited to see where it will be in a few more months.
Not at all :lol: I'm a bun person so I like having bigger buns now that I'm APL/scratching BSB. What I'm really looking forward to is when my crown gets longer so that way I can easily do a side part and pull my hair back.

I still feel excited about my hair, but then again I've only been fully natural for 7 months (I'm 2 yrs 8 months post relaxer).
I enjoyed being a new natural and experiencing natural hair from the very first step. Near bald to almost APL in three years. I loved learning my hair at each step and I'm still enjoying new experiences and hair experiments. Only difference now is I'm set in my wash routines and know what works in my hair and what doesn't. I don't miss short hair except for the get up and go aspect :giggle:
I miss the easy hair washing days and NO SSKs. Sometimes I wish I would have played around with the color and shaping a bit, but I'm purely focused on length. At the length my hair is now, it frames my face in its natural state. So I'm in love!
I don't miss too much about it. The only thing I liked is that you could fly under the radar more. People don't stop and stare so much compared to when you're rocking a big-*** puff or fro.

It didn't suite my small oblong face. I looked a lot like my mom too.

My longer hair is sometimes a lot of work but I've always been in love with big, full hair.

I love that I big chopped because people (including myself) are surprised that I had the nerve to do so. I don't see myself doing it again though, unless I had to.
I don't miss too much about it. The only thing I liked is that you could fly under the radar more. People don't stop and stare so much compared to when you're rocking a big-*** puff or fro.

It didn't suite my small oblong face. I looked a lot like my mom too.

My longer hair is sometimes a lot of work but I've always been in love with big, full hair.

I love that I big chopped because people (including myself) are surprised that I had the nerve to do so. I don't see myself doing it again though, unless I had to.

I hear that, a bigger fro looks better on my oblong face too.
The "newness" has definitely worn off after only 5 months being fully natural. The last two months I kept my hair twisted during the week. I dread wash and retwist day because it takes so long but I refuse to pay another $65 for twists at the salon.

Now I hate my twistsouts because the nape is so much longer than the front.....