I just wanted to share this with you guys..


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies:),
I wanted to preface this post by saying that I don't consider myself a Christian, but I do believe in God and I hope that I'm not breaking any rules by posting this here. Here it goes...

Well, I feel a very close relationship to God, I love him soo much it hurts. Like sometimes when I think about how much I love him and how great he is it brings tears to my eyes. Every now and then I feel like God sends me messages, I know that this may seem crazy to the rest of the world but I 'm sure many of you here can feel what I'm saying.

Well, last monday I had a weird dream. I don't remember what it was about, all I know is that it was weird enough for me to wake up and try to remember it. Anyway, the very next day I get an email from from the yahoo group I'm apart of. This particular member wanted to know if anyone wanted to see Idris Elba on saturday at a club in D.C. When I read that, the name "Idris" seemed so familiar to me, then I remembered that I dreamt that name! Specifically, it was an image of a flower and the word "Idris" underneath it on a poster or stamp (can't remember which). Now, I definitely knew WHO this handsome man was, but I NEVER knew his name. I had NEVER even heard it before. So needless to say, I felt like I was supposed to go to that show.

So to make a long story somewhat shorter, I decided to go at the last minute. The show was nice, a singer named Eric Roberson was the main act. I was reminded of how much I LOVE music. I've always wanted to preform on stage and just watching someone else do it makes me feel sooo euphoric. Singing is such a spiritual thing for me and I thought to myself "this is it! This is it for me, If I could just somehow figure out how to do this, I could die happy". But then I began to think, "I'm kind of too old to start getting into music...it's cliche, everyone and their Mama wants to be a singer.....plus I'm not really that good anymore, ect...".
Just as those thoughts started to really make me feel unhappy again (I've been very unhappy lately and didn't really know why). Eric R. began to sing a song called obstacles, I don't remember all of the words but, he was basically saying.

"obstacles, sometimes its your family, friends, job, ect... But I bet most times it's you so get out of your own way so you can start to recieve your blessings"

I got that same feeling that I mentioned before and I couldn't hold back the tears.
People say things like this all the time, but I believe his words were inspired by God and that this is why I was supposed to be at that show. I know that whenever I do sing, there's a "thank you God" in every note. Even when I listen to good music, I start to feel very thankful. It's kind of like the feeling you get when you are in church and the spirit fills you. After last night I feel freer, like I was given "permission" to be happy and pursue what I love. As much as I try, I can't accurately explain how I felt on the drive from the club, but I just wish I could love God half as much as he loves and takes care of me.
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That was a beautiful praise report. I pray your relationship with God continues to grow in His marvelous light.:)
As much as I try, I can't accurately explain how I felt on the drive from the club, but I just wish I could love God half as much as he loves and takes care of me.[/quote]

Well all I can say to this statement is you can start by giving him your life and living a life pleasing to him. Every song you sing could be about giving him praise and glory.

God understand that you nor I can never repay the dedt we owe him, but there is one thing that shows God how much we love him.

The bible says if you love me you will keep my commandments.

So you don't have to just wish but you can become a sold out, singing vessel for Christ.