I just wanted to say


I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong.
I am not trying to brag or anything and really don't see it as anything to brag about, but I just wanted to get some things off my chest.

I love my boyfriend. He has not always been the best boyfriend and if I would to post all of the things that happened in our relationship I am sure some of you ladies would say to leave him. But I stuck it out. I talked to him about some of the things that I didn't like and at first he would bulk, then he would change for a while and then go back to how he was before. I would get mad, fuss and cuss and say I am done. It was a stupid cycle.

Well he did a self inspection and saw that he was wrong in some areas and made the change. He has gotten SOOOOO much better at everything and I am happy, I no longer feel the way I did before about him and our relationship. The positive changes that he made has helped our relationship tremendously.

I also have changed in how I deal with him and give him more latitude because we aren't the same and don't love the same. I can't get mad at him because he don't love like I do.

I am excited to see where our relationship leads and am excited to meet his daughter(s)
I am happy for you! I don't think anyone has a perfect relationship so I think the key is that if you can honestly say that you are happy then the relationship is worth saving. The problem only comes when women aren't able to see how unhappy they are and are clinging to relationships because they are afraid of being alone.

It sounds like you are very happy and your SO is willing to do the things he needs to do to keep you that way! Best luck to both of you.
Great for you. If sticking out bad times with a boyfriend ended up good for you, u should be excited! Congrats on your happiness!!
I'm glad you worked through it. Relationships ain't easy.

But on another note, I'm also glad that you did NOT post all the problems you've had in your relationship here because of the reason you stated.
However, one thing to understand about the advice you get here is that it's most likely incomplete. WE will never get the complete picture...especially when we're venting or being dramatic lol How many of us do come here to share the good stuff our men do?

So be smart with what you share here. Good job?

PS- Do you even wonder about those that usually give advice but never post their own issues? Is it because they don't run into issues or are they smart about what they share? Hmmmmmmm.........Spinny!!!!
I love this thread. I feel the same way. I love my man. He aint perfect and neither am I. We've had a great long journey to get to this point and I'm ok with our past. I'm excited to see where this goes and I'm praying it goes you know where. I thank God for him everyday and God's grace on the days he makes me mad.
Congrats OP. I've learned not to post my business on here too. I will post some things here and there, but after seeing too many vent threads go down in flames (especially when OP ignores LHCF's divine advice), nope not gonna do it. :nono:
That was so sweet. Congratulations on your BF graduating from the training program...and with honors, it sounds...lol. If we could see the first cut of all the good married men we long for could understand that it does take time and we do have to train them up right.

Already with my guy I've have to sweetly check him about a few things. Nothing big but I just know now that if it's annoying me, keeping silent is just teaching him bad habits. Why do that? If he's really in it to win it, we have a responsibility to let them know what irks us. Right?

The talent is in not coming across as a shrew or nag. Make him want to make those sutle changes that will keep us smiling. :grin:

Big ups to you NOEChic
I'm very happy for you. Relationships take work and commitment on both sides....sounds like he came good in the end.
I'm happy for you. Though no one is perfect its important that both of you put in effort and thats what counts. :)

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What great news NOEChic . Keep working at it and continue positive effective communication. Relationships are not easy but we all need each other/others.
I'm cheering for you and you know why! ;o) I hope you enjoy the time with his daughter. Its going to be good for you to see him all hands on with her.