I just Wanted snatch that chickheads weave off....


New Member
I'm not very mean person but when things tick me off....I dont care how wrong i maybe also, if i feel passionite about it I'm going to fight to the end...:lachen: (unless they tell me a reason why my line of thought proceses is really out there or wrong)


Today I was in the store on my lovely little PJing (I havnt been hair shopping since Beinging of the year) and I started to ask the lady about if she had any shampoos...Mind you this lady have a Britney spears color wig on but it was down her back like BRastrap length hair... She was like "Girl you dont need any shampoo you just need take them braids out and get them redone!" (My hair has growth and 1' since Januray)I stopped and looked at this woman thinking, why don't you just mind your own busniess and telll me where your shampoos are at?... So then I said "No I'm fine, thank you can you direct me to where your shampoo is at?" Then the lady was like "Girl i can hook u up with some better looking braids...."
I smiled and told her no thank you.. Then this chickhead put her hands all up in my hair?! grabbing it and i could see her nasty nails just all in my head.. I whipped around and was like "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY HAIR AGAIN, then i walked away".. Needless to say the manger was close by and saw the whole thing happen and apolgiozed ... But i swear to you not the hoodrat was about to comeout in me and i was ready to fight that woman.. :lachen:
The nerve of her! It bothers me that people are like that. But you did good. Give yourself some extra credit for using self control. 'Cause you are right, she could of seen the other side of midnite. :mad:
luckly it was fake hair but i swear if that had been my real hair and her nasty nails had been in my hair..

man id be on the floor trying fight her:lachen:
Oh dear... I don't know why people just can't do their simple jobs. And for her to put her hands on you... I'd be in jail somewhere!

Glad you got out of there. I hope the manager fired her tail.
Good for you! Some people just have no manners. Even if your parents didn't teach you any, you would think that just by living in the world and interacting with other people, most folks would learn how to be decent.
Yep this reminds me of my stylists assistant who said my hair was too clean to get a relaxer last time I went in. Yet, on a side not she was just ranting about how soft my hair was. I wanted to say so bad IT'S CAUSE I KEEP IT CLEAN AND CONDITIONED! peps is crazy ...gotta watch out.

chayil0427 said:
Yep this reminds me of my stylists assistant who said my hair was too clean to get a relaxer last time I went in. Yet, on a side not she was just ranting about how soft my hair was. I wanted to say so bad IT'S CAUSE I KEEP IT CLEAN AND CONDITIONED! peps is crazy ...gotta watch out.


*touchs your hair*....Girl its to clean get it realxed.. i mean even thought i smellls nice and is very soft.. girl...:lachen:
Wow... I can't believed she grabbed your hair like that. I think sometimes people in BBS can get a little overzealous at times.

I went to pick up some curly hair for a friend of mine and while I was at the counter the lady helping me started to fondle my hair and said "What is that 12"? I was so caught off guard that all I could do was start laughung.
I can't believe she did that to you and you are the customer. My goodness people are so bold. She better be glad that she didn't do that to some girl from the 'hood. She must don't want her job to do something like that.