I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works quickly


Well-Known Member
So my dad is an alcoholic. No way to sugar coat it. And he has had 2 DUIs in the past... Totaled his car, lost his license, had to have a breathalyzer put on his ignition, and has driven under the influence a number of time. The time he totaled his car I was really young... about 12 and my mom went to bail my father out of jail. (even though they had been divorced since I was 6). So after seeing the damage to the car my father was lucky to be alive so I wrote him a LONG letter about how disappointed I was in him and how dangerous his actions are for himself and everyone around him. Granted I was 12.

So now I am 20 and today I smell something "herbal" going on in the house... I've smelled it before but thought it was my dad's live in cousin and I think I mentioned it to my dad and he did nothing. So that cousin has since moved out and I smelled it. And a few weeks prior my dad's girlfriend, my dad's aunt and uncle were talking about my father and his stepmother's alcoholism and it was brought to my attention that my dad smokes. I knew he did it in the 70s, but I thought that was a childish mistake that teenagers go through, but a 55 year old man?!?! Who does he think he is snoop dogg?

So I confronted him about how disappointed I was for his actions and he tried to justify it. But I dismissed him and later that night I told him I forgave him, even though never once did he say he was sorry to me or more importantly to himself. So later tonight he comes into my room, I was reorganizing my room (that's how I spend friday nights) and he comes in and says "This is a request not a demand. Will you drive me to so and so club?" I say UUUGGUHHhahahh and try to talk him out of going becuase I knew going to that atmosphere would only increase his drunkeness or highness or whatever else people do at night clubs. So I said no... then he basically tried to play the father card and you have to do what I say. Then I reminded him said it was a request. Then he basically said I can cut you off if you don't. (which idk what that entails... kick me out of the house, stop paying for my college education??? Idk) So he said I'm getting in the shower be ready when I get out. Granted it was already 1 am at the time!

So my father gets out of the shower and says lets go. I drive with my glasses at night. And since I was reorganizing my whole room it was in disray and I couldnt find were i put my glasses. So my dad got frustrated and said, "Fine! I'll take a cab!" So I gave him this card I got from my college that has phone numbers of cab companies and then on the back of the card the signs of alcohol poisioning. I gave it to my dad and pointed out that side about alcohol poisioning and he gave a smug answer. So I thought he was going to call a cab. And I continued cleaning.

A few minutes later I go to the kitchen to get water and I notice the light in the garage is on.... and HIS CAR IS GONE! So I immediately call his cell and he doesnt answer. I call again... and I say, "Dad get home now! You are in no condition to drive!" And then my dad says, " I've been drinking water... you don't understand how that works..." and he hung up. So I was livid! I was online talking to my friend and I asked her if I should call 911. But I didnt know where he was going so I doubt that calling 911 about a car that I dont even know the tag number of would help.

so I sat and prayed that my dad get pulled over before anyone got hurt. Not that I wanted my dad to go to jail again, but if that was what needed to happen then so be it. And I decide to try to go on with my night still on pins and needles about the dangers of drunk driving.

Then at 3 am I get this phone call from my dad, I press ignore b/c I was mad. Then I thought better of it since he was out driving when I told him not to. So I answer and who is on the phon, but my dad and an officer. My heart instantly sinks! But basically the officer calls me to pick up my father.

So I go to the gas station where my dad is pulled over and my dad is acting smug smoking a cuban cigar right in front of the officer!!! The officer was extremely kind and my father walked away.... The officer talked to me and explained to me that my dad was swirving on the road... him and another police officer pulled him over. The police offier was really nice apparently talking and laughing with my dad when I got there. When I was talking to the officer I told him that my dad was no condition to drive in the 1st place and I told him not to leave the house. He has alread have 2 DUIs with no remose and the Officer told me not to give up hope.

But the whole drive home I was sobbing because God answered my prayers in every way possible. My father got pulled over before he killed himself or others and he didn't go to jail. I wanted my dad to get locked up for his actions, but then again I didn't. I hate being placed in the situation of adult when I am the child. I know I'm 20 but since my father always want to play the role of stern "father" when he is the most irresponsible I cannot do much. He is a grown man and only God can change his actions.

But a feeling of joy, anger, sadness, and thank came over me as I drove home and tears just swam down my face, my body was shaking. I was basically having what people call a panic attack, but I think I was feeling the holy spirit. Because God protected my father tonight. God answered my prayer exactly the way I asked it.

Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

To God be the glory! Keep praying it on it because you know God can always turn things around.
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

You're dad is extremely fortunate. He has had several wake up calls and I sincerely hope he takes heed to this latest one. All you can do is keep praying for him. Eventually he'll find the will and strength to control his illness.
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

That was a beautiful testimony and yes that was the Holy Spirit moving in you.It's an undescribable feeling,but you know it when you feel it. God does work instantaneously in some situations and sometimes not so fast.But I can say He moved quickly for you in this. Keep praying and believing for your father, because he can be healed completely of that beast of alcoholism completely.Your dad needs to be thankful for having a mature and caring daughter as you are.
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Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

Thank you.. last night as soon as I found out he left I texted my mom, " Dad is drinking and driving what should I do." This morning I get a text from her that says, "Pray.".... Truer words have never been spoken.
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

Thank you.. last night as soon as I found out he left I texted my mom, " Dad is drinking and driving what should I do." This morning I get a text from her that says, "Pray.".... Truer words have never been spoken.
I am so proud of you. :grouphug2: And God is well pleased that you have chosen to be one with Him and not one with the world. You are a gift to your father here on earth, and more so a gift to your Father in Heaven.

Take those prayers further, and pray your father 'completely' delivered from those spirits of destruction and from the enemy of his soul which has him convinced that he has no value. When a man behaves this way, it's because he sees/feels no value in himself. He feels, what's the use? He wants others to respect him yet he doesn't respect himself.

You are the perfect one with the Perfect Score, who can pray him free.

God bless you and do not give up. Dedicate your father unto the Lord. Your dad can't do it for himself right now, but in prayer you can. From there, God will keep him and steady him and guide him into salvation. And all of this through prayers, with the Perfect Score.

:grouphug: I'm praying with you. God has saved many a man in my family...many! :yep: Praise Jesus forever who never fails!
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

Your post was very touching. I pray that everything works out for you and your dad changes his ways. He is truly blessed to have you as a daughter. Stay blessed :bighug:
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

Thank you ladies.. I can truly say this was a reallly BIG spiritual moment... I've always known I was blessed but this was the "!" at the end of the sentence.
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony. God does indeed answer prayers. Sometimes He has to say no but he always hears us. Your parents are so blessed to have a daughter like you.
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

Praise God! May He continue to pour out blessings to you and your family. Very inspirational story.
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

This is such an amazing testimony! I could almost feel your pain in reading your post! I pray that God will continue to surround your father with His protection and His guidance. You have a great heart and God will continue to bless you for that. Continue to bless His name and He will continue to 'give you the desires of your heart.' May God continue to bless you and your family. Here's a :grouphug: for you!
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

This was truly a blessing of a post! I believe God answered your prayer the minute you started..your Dad is lucky to have a daughter like you. I agree w/ the officer, don't give up hope....

God Bless
Re: I just want to say THANK YOU LORD for saving my dad.Prayer works and it works qui

What a wonderful testimony! I've always heard people say what the prayers of a mother or grandmother can do, which is wonderful. But I also believe the prayers of a daughter can change things too! Amen!