I just want to chop my hair off!


New Member
I don't know what I'm doing wrong...I really don't know!

I just got done co washing my hair and I'm simply...upset. The amount of hair that came out during my detangling process and just simply running my hand through my wet hair...OMG! I swear I've been doing everything right..my won't my hair stop breaking & shedding? I'm so mortified sometimes when I just pass my hand through my hair and I end up with tons of hair in my hand!
While co washing my hair I did the "strand test", and to my surprise my hair is super elastic! Like it literally stretches and then snaps. What the ***..? :(
Omg...and my itchy scalp? Dear God...

I'm almost embarrassed to show these pictures :(


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That's all the hair you lost? That doesn't seem like much. It also sounds you like need a protein treatment
What Products do you use?

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You may just need a little bit of protein every week. Or use a harder protein. Some people can get away with protein treatments only once a month or two, some need it more frequently. I do a protein treatment just about every weekend.
What is your reggie? Products and styles ma'am?

Your hair is thin...sounds like you need a protein treatment. The 2 minute may not be good enough for you, but we won't know better till we know what you've been doing to have so much hair fall.
What is your reggie? Products and styles ma'am?

Your hair is thin...sounds like you need a protein treatment. The 2 minute may not be good enough for you, but we won't know better till we know what you've been doing to have so much hair fall.

Well, I m&s every night. On Wednesdays I prepoo (usually with evoo) and co wash with hello hydration, then DC with CON and grapeseed oil. On Saturdays I do the same thing, but I sometimes add a tea rinse. I shampoo every other Monday with Elastance QP creme conditioning shampoo, or if needed, a clarifying shampoo.
I do an aphogee 2 minute treatment every other week.
...that's about it. I really try to keep it simple since I haven't been too long on my hhj and I haven't really found any staples or a solidified regi yet.

Edit: I usually just bun my hair, or braid outs/flexi rod set.
I know that you are really bothered by the amount, but honestly I lose about 2-3x that amount every week. Is your hair very thin/thinning? If not, then I'd suggest just upping your protein some more.

Also, is that your baby in the avatar picture? Are you postpartum? If so you may just be going through some hormonal postpartum shedding.
I know that you are really bothered by the amount, but honestly I lose about 2-3x that amount every week. Is your hair very thin/thinning? If not, then I'd suggest just upping your protein some more.

Also, is that your baby in the avatar picture? Are you postpartum? If so you may just be going through some hormonal postpartum shedding.

Yep, my hair is very thin. And no, that's my baby brother. Hehe
ShayyP - I agree with the other posters you need a protein treatment.
My daughter was losing 3 times the amount of hair in your picture before she started applying tea rinses I made with nettle and garlic. Shedding has stopped. In addition to an Aphogee 2 min protein treatment she uses a protein based conditioner as leave in conditioner sealed with a shea butter/oil mix
Are you natural?

Try prepooing with Coconut Oil...It helps maintain the protein structure in the hair along with a ceramide oil (grapeseed, wheat germ, hemp, sunflower etc). See if you can stretch your M&S to every other night. You may be overmoisturizing and overmanipulating your hair with all that M&S. Instead of washing twice, try once per week to give your hair a break. You are adding a lot of water to your hair for a fine haired person and not enough protein. Sounds like hygral fatigue since you said it stretches a lot then snaps. Is your hair mushy or too soft feeling?

Try either a protein leave in or upping your light protein DC to once per week. I like Aphogee Green Tea & Keratin Reconstructerizer spray every other week. If that doesn't help, try doing a harder protein treatment one time to see how your hair reacts.

Some things to combat shedding are Blk Tea or products with garlic like this:
Are you natural?

Try prepooing with Coconut Oil...It helps maintain the protein structure in the hair along with a ceramide oil (grapeseed, wheat germ, hemp, sunflower etc). See if you can stretch your M&S to every other night. You may be overmoisturizing and overmanipulating your hair with all that M&S. Instead of washing twice, try once per week to give your hair a break. You are adding a lot of water to your hair for a fine haired person and not enough protein. Sounds like hygral fatigue since you said it stretches a lot then snaps. Is your hair mushy or too soft feeling?

Try either a protein leave in or upping your light protein DC to once per week. I like Aphogee Green Tea & Keratin Reconstructerizer spray every other week. If that doesn't help, try doing a harder protein treatment one time to see how your hair reacts.

Some things to combat shedding are Blk Tea or products with garlic like this:

I'm a relaxed head. I will try to m&s every other night, although I do feel as tho my ends do no retain moisture so much. When my hair is wet, it does feel very mushy/soft. How is it supposed to feel? :(
You only use the reconstructerizer spray once a week? Is that on your wash days?

I've tried black tea rinses about 2 times, but haven't done anything with garlic.

How will I know when good moisture/protein balance has been restored?
I'm a relaxed head. I will try to m&s every other night, although I do feel as tho my ends do no retain moisture so much. When my hair is wet, it does feel very mushy/soft. How is it supposed to feel? :(
You only use the reconstructerizer spray once a week? Is that on your wash days?

I've tried black tea rinses about 2 times, but haven't done anything with garlic.

How will I know when good moisture/protein balance has been restored?

I know that when it feels really mushy, it is overmoisturized. When my hair feels that way it feels very weak. When it is balanced, it feels like I can pull on it more or comb through it. It does not feel delicate. It feels soft, yet strong and I see less little bits of breakage coming off onto my fingers when I m&s. Too much protein makes my hair feel really dry. I usually can correct either one of these states by doing a good medium to strong protein treatment or a good moisturizing DC.

I alternate my proteins, so when I am using the Green Tea, it is every other week (on wash day). On the off weeks, I use a leave in w/out protein. I use it whenever I feel my hair is leaning toward overly moisturized. Protein also helps your hair hold onto moisture better. So when you do this protein treatment, your moisturizing and conditioners may work better.
I know that when it feels really mushy, it is overmoisturized. When my hair feels that way it feels very weak. When it is balanced, it feels like I can pull on it more or comb through it. It does not feel delicate. It feels soft, yet strong and I see less little bits of breakage coming off onto my fingers when I m&s. Too much protein makes my hair feel really dry. I usually can correct either one of these states by doing a good medium to strong protein treatment or a good moisturizing DC.

I alternate my proteins, so when I am using the Green Tea, it is every other week (on wash day). On the off weeks, I use a leave in w/out protein. I use it whenever I feel my hair is leaning toward overly moisturized. Protein also helps your hair hold onto moisture better. So when you do this protein treatment, your moisturizing and conditioners may work better.

Awesome. Thanks for this!
Do you think that clarifying and then ORS hair mayonnaise would be a good protein treatment to add to my wash day next week?