This is what it says: What the heck is "%?" It doesn't tell you much! Personally, I would move on to something that has more MSM (important for hair growth) thn that. And personally I don't think the Biotin is enough. I would take ATLEAST 1500mcgs daily.

Nutritional Facts
Serving Size 2 capsules
Servings Per Container 30



Calories from Fat



Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value*
Vitamin A (as Vitamin A Palmitate)

Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 100.0 mg

Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate)

Thiamin (as Thiamin HCI) (Vitamin B1) 10.0 mg

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 10.0 mg

Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCI) 20.0 mg

Vitamin B12 (as Cobalamin) 50.0 mcg

Biotin 500.0 mcg

Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 8.0 mg

Copper (as Copper Amino Acid Chelate) 2.0 mg

MSM (as Manganese Carbonate) 250.0 mg

MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 250.0 mg

Comprehensive Mineral Complex (from Sea Water) 100.0 mg

Cysteine (as L-Cysteine Hydrochloride) 75.0 mg

PABA (Para Aminobenzoic Acid) 50.0 mg

Burdock Root (Arctium Lappa) 50.0 mg

Choline (as Choline Bitartrate) 25.0 mg

Inositol 25.0 mg

Silicon (as Colloidal Silicon) 20.0 mg

L-Glutathione 2.0 mg

well mizanimami
it gives you mg and mcg?
is that not enough???
if not, is there any vitamin out there that has everything i need in my life for hair growth?

MizaniMami said:
This is what it says: What the heck is "%?" It doesn't tell you much! Personally, I would move on to something that has more MSM (important for hair growth) thn that. And personally I don't think the Biotin is enough. I would take ATLEAST 1500mcgs daily.

Nutritional Facts
Serving Size 2 capsules
Servings Per Container 30



Calories from Fat



Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value*
Vitamin A (as Vitamin A Palmitate)

Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 100.0 mg

Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate)

Thiamin (as Thiamin HCI) (Vitamin B1) 10.0 mg

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 10.0 mg

Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCI) 20.0 mg

Vitamin B12 (as Cobalamin) 50.0 mcg

Biotin 500.0 mcg

Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 8.0 mg

Copper (as Copper Amino Acid Chelate) 2.0 mg

MSM (as Manganese Carbonate) 250.0 mg

MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 250.0 mg

Comprehensive Mineral Complex (from Sea Water) 100.0 mg

Cysteine (as L-Cysteine Hydrochloride) 75.0 mg

PABA (Para Aminobenzoic Acid) 50.0 mg

Burdock Root (Arctium Lappa) 50.0 mg

Choline (as Choline Bitartrate) 25.0 mg

Inositol 25.0 mg

Silicon (as Colloidal Silicon) 20.0 mg

L-Glutathione 2.0 mg

You just might have to supplement! There is only 500 mcg of Biotin there. That's half of mg :ohwell: And there is only 500mg of MSM, I think you need at least 1000mg....

Just my opinion based on what has been effective for the ladies on this board and my experiences....I haven't taken Silica so I can't comment....HTH... :)
Andrew Lessman's Hair/Skin/Nails vitamins are really good, it contains 750mg of MSM, and high dosages of Biotin (I can't remember) but this is a pretty good vitamin.
I wish there was only one vitamin because God knows I'm popping on average 9-11 pills a day. And none are specifically for my hair. Just my health.
I take LEF Life Extension Mix Tabs:

Sure, there's 9 you take a day but you get a lot of good stuff in those 9 tablets. So I split them up and take 4 in the morning, 5 at night.

I suppliment with fish oil/flax and MSM and some extra calcium (because I can't drink milk) but other than that I don't use anything else. I do also use a protien powder but thats food for me.

But you may not feel this particular multi has what you need. I've been taking them for years though (I just can't see myself taking a vitamin just for hair)

Price wise, they're on the expensive side, but considering the size of the bottle, totally worth it.



Ok never mind here's the link instead!

Last edited:
I just recently changed my vitamin. I actually take vitamins and supplements. The reason for the supplements are because some things I do like extra in. Also, I like to make sure that I have enough minerals; therefore, I take a multi-vitamin that is food-based. It is important to have minerals because it is the minerals that allows your body to absorb the vitamins. The vitamin that I have changed to I got from Ekomba. I compared hers and mine and though mine had 3000 mcg of biotin like hers the rest still made mine look anorexic :lol: ! So I switched. The name is Vitol Great Hair with 3000 mcg. I purchased mine at the Vitamin Shoppe. I like it thus far. I take my MSM separate because I prefer the liquid to mix with juice and what have you (it actually taste better in grape Juice- my personal preference is Welch's) But that is it for me. It seems like alot but I have seen people take alot of medicine and I asked God if he could just allow me to learn about supplements and preventive measures because not only do I want beautiful hair, skin, and nails, but I want great health without a whole bunch of medication and procedures. Coming to this site has not only caused for me to take better care of my hair but my total well-being. HTH
the andrew lessmans and the LEF life extension both look really good
the andrew lessmans appears to be more affordable and contains msm
but the LEF has more biotin and doesnt contain msm
im leaning towards andrew lessmans
thanks guys!!! that one is looking good
are u taking this alli??
it has well i just forgot how much biotin but i think about 2000!!

Alli77 said:
Andrew Lessman's Hair/Skin/Nails vitamins are really good, it contains 750mg of MSM, and high dosages of Biotin (I can't remember) but this is a pretty good vitamin.
Arcadian said:
I take LEF Life Extension Mix Tabs:

Sure, there's 9 you take a day but you get a lot of good stuff in those 9 tablets. So I split them up and take 4 in the morning, 5 at night.

i bought the powder form of this a while back. its one of the better ones out there. people don't realise that the RDA amounts mean nothing in reality. they are too low to really have any effect. i think it's time that they started viewing things from an optimum nutrition point of view, not a basic "will prevent rickets" point of view. absence of disease is stil not an indicator of optimum health.
EbonyPerez said:
Hola everyone,

I'm looking to find just one vitamin to take instead of a gillion you know? Do you guys think this is good enough? Or will I need extra Biotin, MSM, or silica? Does this vitamin have enough? Please check it out for me you vitamin specialists!!!

Ebony:D :grin: :p


Hey Ebony if you want just one vitamin, you should look into a hair vitamin that contains most of the stuff that you want. but the lady at GNC a long time ago recommended me to take also a multivitamin if i had a hair vit cause the multi ingredients will go to your body and the rest will go to your hair. so if your body is deficient and you just take the hair vits you may not see benefits cause everything will first go to body then nails and show last in hair.

You could try one of the hair vitamins i take it has large amounts of good ingredients it s called VITOL GREAT HAIR Time released and i get it at GNC. i get good growth with it too. the ingredients are: 2 TABLETS A DAY
vitamin A 15,000IU 300% daily requiremt
-Vitamin C 600mg 1000%
-riboflavin 100mg 5882%
-niacin 50mg 250%
-vitamin b6 100mg 5000%
-folic acid 800mcg 200%
-biotin 3mg 1000%
-pantothenic acid b5 600mg 6000%
-iodine from kelp 150mcg 100%
-manganese (as amino acid chelate) 50mg 2500%
-minerals (as 74minerals and trace minerals) 75MG


another one that i also love and saw great growth while transitioning VITOL HAIR NAILS AND SKIN Time released one tablet ( it was just one tablet and the lady from GNC had lonnnnnng thick relaxed hair she told me she takes that and likes it better than ultranourishair cause her hair grew faster and thicker. When my great hair runs out i ll get back that one with the viviscal as well)
i loooooove that one i may get back to this one I saw great results but only found the other one when i ran out.
the ingredients:
-vitamin a 25,000iu
-vitamin c 200mg
-vitamin d 400iu
-vitamin e 30iu
-thiamin 5mg
-riboflavin 5mg
-niacin 25mg
-vitamin b6 5mg
-folic acid 400mcg
-biotin 3mg
-pantothenic acid b5 30mg
-calcium 100mg
-iodine from kelp 225mcg
-magnesium 50mg
-zinc 15mg
-selenium 30mcg
manganese 2mg
chromium 50mcg
phosphorus 50mg
silicon (as amino acid chelate) 20mg
gelatin 75mg
cysteine (as amino acid) 20mg
PABA (as para amino benzoic acid) 30mg
minerals (as 74mineral blend) 10mg
rose hips, bioflavanoids,rutin complex 25mg
herbal complex 50mg (5mg of each: capsicum,echinacea root,chamomile, oatstraw,golden seal,gotu kola, hawthorn, myrrh gum,horsetail, shave grass
I say don't overdo it. You would be wasting way too much money and rest assured that I can be certain that the ladies are not seeing significant amounts of hair growth taking 10 pills/day versus those taking 2 pills/day. Keep in mind that most vitamins are water soluable. Meaning that once they've been broken down in the body, any excessive amounts will be excreted. Both MSM and Biotin are water soluable. And then, there are those vitamins that are fat soluable (D, E, A, K), which means that excessive amounts in the body can be toxic. My suggestion would be to find a good mult-vitamin that contains the supplements (MSM, biotin, etc.) you desire. One good one would be GNC Ulta NourishHair which contains MSM 500 mg and Biotin 1.2 mg (1200 mcg). Per instructions, these are to be taken 2 pills/day. Another good one is Andrew Lessman Hair, Skin & Nail Benefits, which contains MSM 750 mg and Biotin 2.5 mg (2500 mcg). This is also taken 2 pills/day. Both give you a good amount of the MSM and Biotin. In addition, they both contain Vitamin C, which aids in the absorption of MSM. Good luck!
I say don't overdo it. You would be wasting way too much money and rest assured that I can be certain that the ladies are not seeing significant amounts of hair growth taking 10 pills/day versus those taking 2 pills/day. Keep in mind that most vitamins are water soluable. Meaning that once they've been broken down in the body, any excessive amounts will be excreted. Both MSM and Biotin are water soluable. And then, there are those vitamins that are fat soluable (D, E, A, K), which means that excessive amounts in the body can be toxic. My suggestion would be to find a good mult-vitamin that contains the supplements (MSM, biotin, etc.) you desire. One good one would be GNC Ulta NourishHair which contains MSM 500 mg and Biotin 1.2 mg (1200 mcg). Per instructions, these are to be taken 2 pills/day. Another good one is Andrew Lessman Hair, Skin & Nail Benefits, which contains MSM 750 mg and Biotin 2.5 mg (2500 mcg). This is also taken 2 pills/day. Both give you a good amount of the MSM and Biotin. In addition, they both contain Vitamin C, which aids in the absorption of MSM. Good luck!
My personal fave is Skin Eternal Plus by Source Naturals. I've mentioned it on the board before but I don't believe many have tried it. I think DivineInspiration is currently using it.
You take 4 per day but it has lots in it, including a lot of antioxidants you won't find in most multis. It is iron-free, though, so you may need to add that if that's something you need to take.

i'm leaning toward the andrew lessman's skin hair nails w/2500mg biotin and 750mg msm
but the skin eternal plus by the source looks excellent too
that one has 2000mg biotion and 1g of MSM
but it doesnt contain any silica and andrew lessman's does
but skin eternal plus also has a lot of amino acids and other great things that andrew lessman's appears to be lacking

SEP has horsetail in it, which is a natural source of silica. You'll find silica in a lot of herbs. Horsetail tends to be the main one used, but also look for things like nettle and oatstraw.